A little side project of mine is to run (speed hike) the White Mountain 48 - 4,000 footers of New Hampshire before I turn 40, July 2019 (Well that didn't quite happen!). I started off with shorter mileage runs with varying degrees of difficulty and now I am getting into the more high mileage peaks. I try and run the flats and descents, as I'm very solid on technical terrain and that's where I make up time for the average running ascents, which are mostly speed hiking with minimal running. As I have gotten faster I have revisited a few runs along the way.
I have used a Garmin 910XT and 920XT, and a Suunto Ambit3 Peak watch for my runs. For Footwear I have worn several different types of La Sportiva trail runners. Bushido, Mutant, Vertical K, Helios, GTX Crossover, Blizzard.
This is a fun trail running project to push myself physically and for enjoyment while being cautious. These runs are not aimed for FKTs, I have no interest in being recognized or claiming them. :)
Click here to view my Strava feed
Mile and elevation data is from my GPS watches. I have used a Garmin 910XT, 920XT, Suunto Ambit 3 Peak, and Suunto 9 Peak Pro.
#1 Mount Tecumseh
Mount Tecumseh Trail. It is a relatively straight-forward trail run, easy to gradual grades below and up top with a semi steep section in the middle. Footing is on the plus side. This was the first mountain I ran for the list but this is from my rerun of it, chopping off four minutes from my previous run. (November 10th, 2015)
#2 Mount Jefferson
Caps Ridge Trail to Mount Jefferson. One of the tougher trail runs because of the above treeline boulder field that defines the Presidential Range. The first mile isn't too bad, the remaining mile and a half will make you earn it! May redo this one in the future, which I did, besting my time by almost nine minutes, click here for Strava details (September 1st, 2017)
Mount Jefferson Run Summary,(September 8, 2014) click here for rerun on Strava from 8/1/17
#3 Cannon Mountain
Mittersill-Cannon Trail to Cannon Mountain. A trail runner's dream, unlike every other rugged and steep approach to Cannon Mountain's summit, this is up ski trails and access road. It can be a bit muddy in spots but you can fly down from the summit. Would be interesting to revisit this route again to see how much I improve my time. (September 9th, 2014)
Cannon Mountain Run Summary (September 9th, 2014)
#4 Hale
Mount Hale via the Hale Brook Trail, one of the easier 4K's to run, the first mile has easy to moderate grades over mostly excellent footing, after a mile the grade stays moderate to slightly steep with rougher footing in spots but overall it's a gem to run. This was a re-do run, the first time I ran it I came in a couple of minutes over an hour, this time I shaved over five minutes!
(September 1st, 2016)
Mount Hale run summary, notice how the mileage is almost a half mile under what it should be according to the AMC online guide, on the way up I clocked 2.05 miles and on the way down I clocked 1.90 miles, bizarre! (September 1st, 2016). Click here for most recent run of 56:05 run on Strava
#5 Mount Jackson
Webster-Jackson Trail to Mount Jackson. The footing for the first half is ok and the grades are easy, the second half is steeper with really crummy footing in spots. This one would actually be easier in late March / early April in microspikes or screws over a broken out and beaten down trail. Might revisit this one. (September 26th, 2014)
#6 East Peak Mount Osceola
Osceola East Peak via Greeley Ponds and Mount Osceola trails. First mile and a half is mostly flat with gradual grades over good footing, last mile is steep and eroded, a real heart ponder. Definitely will not run this one again! (October 10th, 2014)
Run Summary for East Osceola (October 10th, 2014)
#7 Mount Tom
Mount Tom via Avalon, A-Z, Mount Tom Spur trails. Good to semi ok footing with a gradual grade followed by a steeper climb to the Field / Willey Col, last few tenths of a mile run up to the summit from col is easy. (October 10th, 2014)
Run Summary for Mount Tom (October 10th, 2014)
#8 Mount Waumbek
Mount Waumbek via the Starr King Trail. Easy to gradual grades with mostly great footing, this one is a mountain runner's dream. (June 12, 2015)
Run Summary for Mount Waumbek (June 12, 2015)
#9 Mount Carrigain
Mount Carrigain via the Signal Ridge Trail. First two miles is flat and fast, next two miles is a grind, steep and rougher footing, the final approach once on Signal Ridge is tame and quick. (June 18th, 2015)
Mount Lowell and Carrigain Notch from the Signal Ridge
Run Summary for Mount Carrigain (June 18th, 2015)
#10 Mount Field
Mount Field via the Avalon and Willey Range trails. Gradual with great footing to excessively steep with crummy footing. Never running this one again, and I'm dreading running its neighbor, Mount Willey! (August 28th, 2015)
Run Summary for Mount Field (August 28th, 2015)
#11 Mount Moosilauke
Mount Moosilauke via Moosilauke Carriage Road. Easiest approach to the summit of Moosilauke, easy to gradual grades over terrific footing, a mountain runner's dream. (September 3rd, 2015)Run Summary for Mount Moosilauke (September 3rd, 2015)
#12 Mount Cabot
Mount Cabot via Mount Cabot Trail. Technically a closed trail so you might not be able to run it. Very easy and moderate grades, footing is fine although it can be muddy on the closed section. (September 17th, 2015)
Run Summary for Mount Cabot (September 17th, 2015)
#13 South Kinsman Mountain
South Kinsman via Mount Kinsman and Kinsman Ridge trails. First few miles is pretty great for running with easy grades, footing and steepness gets trickier up to the ridge, across the ridge is a mixed bag. (September 21st, 2015) ***September grid completion
Run summary for South Kinsman (September 21st, 2015)
#14 Wildcat Mountain D Peak
Wildcat 'D' Peak via Ski Trail. Nice footing over a gradual to semi steep ski trail. The descent is made for speed. (October 2nd, 2015)
Wildcat 'D' Peak with Ryan W. We started the watch at the parking lot, very fast ascent and speedy descent. (October 2nd, 2015). Reran this one starting the watch from the start of the ski trail instead of the parking lot, improved my time by over two minutes, click here for Strava details 7/7/17
#15 South Carter Mountain
#16 Mount Flume
Mount Flume via Lincoln Woods, Osseo, and Franconia Ridge trails. The first mile and a half is flat over an old railroad grade, followed by a gradual climb up the Osseo trail for threeish miles before hitting an excessively steep / flat / steep last mile section as it heads up the southeastern flank of Flume/Whaleback Mountain. (December 27th, 2015)Run summary for Mount Flume (December 27th, 2015)
#17 Mount Isolation
Mount Isolation via Rocky Branch Trail, Engine Hill Bushwhack, Isolation Trail, and Davis Path. The toughest part is the first two miles up the hill towards the wilderness boundary, from there the grades are very easy to keep up a fast pace. (January 30, 2016)Run summary for Mount Isolation (January 30th, 2016)
#18 North Hancock
North Hancock via Hancock Notch, Cedar Brook, and Hancock Loop Trails. The first 2.5 miles to the Hancock Loop junction is built for speed over mostly good footing, although there are some eroded spots. From the junction up to the north and south links the grades increase but a good pace can still easily be maintained. Once hooking onto the north link all bets are off as the trail is one of the steepest in the White with horrible footing, even the descent is slower than most! (May 19th, 2016)Run Summary for North Hancock (May 19th, 2016)
#19 Passaconaway
Mount Passaconaway via Dicey's Mill Trail. One of the best running surfaces almost all the way up to a 4,000 footer, only the last half mile up the summit cone is tricky as it gets steep with gnarly footing in spots. (May 20th, 2016)
Run Summary for Mount Passaconaway (May 20th, 2016)
#20 South Hancock
South Hancock via Hancock Notch, Cedar Brook, and Hancock Loop trails. Footing is good to a little rough but has easy to moderate grades until the north/south link junction on the Hancock Loop Trail. From there it gets excessively steep and eroded at times for the last half mile. Definitely an easier trail run than North Hancock. (May 23rd, 2016)
Run Summary for South Hancock (May 23rd, 2016)
#21 Whiteface
Mount Whiteface via the Blueberry Ledge Trail. This one is sneaky hard, after an easy to moderate first two miles the last mile and a half is filled with steep bursts and scrambling below the southern ledges. (May 25th, 2016)
Run Summary for Mount Whiteface (May 25th, 2016)
#22 Galehead
Galehead Mountain via Gale River, Garfield Ridge, and Frost trails. Running up Galehead Mountain is on the easier side. The first 3.25 miles over the Gale River Trail are really tame followed by a 0.5 miles of a semi-steep rock staircase as it gains Garfield Ridge. From the Garfield Ridge Trail to the Galehead Hut are minor up and downs with a short steep burst just below the hut. The last half mile to the summit over the Frost Trail has ok footing with moderate grades until the trail dead ends at the summit cairn. (July 6th, 2016)
Run Summary for Galehead Mountain (July 6th, 2016)
#23 Moriah
Mount Moriah via Mount Carter Drive, logging road, Stony Brook and Carter-Moriah trails. This is a really nice mountain to run with some great views from the ledges along the last mile up to the summit. I kind of "cheated" by running up the road into the cul-de-sac and then the logging road, it doesn't save much mileage wise, maybe a tenth of a mile, but the footing is far superior! (August 2nd, 2016)
Run Summary for Mount Moriah (August 2nd, 2016)
#24 Adams
One of the toughest mountains to run, after an easy 1.75 miles the Airline gets steeper and rougher, while the grades moderate a little the technical footing, "Ankle Busters" does not. Concentration on foot placement makes this one have some of the slowest splits, still I felt very strong on the descent (August 4th, 2016)
Mount Adams run summary. Notice how the gps watch mileage comes in almost a mile under the guide book mileage! (August 4th, 2016)
North Kinsman via the Mount Kinsman and Kinsman Ridge trails. The first couple of miles are very gradual with great footing. Once past the spur for Bald Peak the trail eventually gets more rugged and steep until the top. Decided to do this in February, unfortunately there was a small thaw a few days prior which made the first two miles more ice than packed snow which slowed me down, so I'll probably go and do this one again. (February 28th, 2017)
North Kinsman run summary, once again notice how the mileage is over a half mile under what it should be according to the AMC online guide, on the way up. My Garmin Forerunner 920XT always undershoot the mileage on runs but is more accurate when hiking, so strange! (February 28th, 2017)
#26 Garfield
North Kinsman via the Garfield and Garfield Ridge trails. Much like its neighbor Galehead Mountain, Mount Garfield is on of the easier 4K's to run. The grade is gradual with excellent footing as it follows an old fire wardens road up to the ridge. The only steep and rugged section is the final 0.2 mile push up the summit cone. (June 22nd, 2017)
The summit has some really sweet views of the Pemigewasset Wilderness. Owl's Head and the Franconia Ridge (top). Galehead and the Twin Range (bottom). (June 22nd, 2017)
Mount Garfield run summary, The mileage cam in at 9.3, the online guide has it at 10.06. Once again I move too fast for the watch to track the mileage accurately, I kid I Kid!! (June 22nd, 2017)
#27 Pierce
Pierce via the Crawford Path and Webster-Cliff Trail. This run was up the oldest maintained footpath in the United States, the Crawford Path, it has a consistent moderate grade up to treeline with no steep sections. The trail is heavily used so it's a little eroded in spots and at time very rocky and rooty. With that being said, it's definitely one of the easier 4,000 footers to run as it's short. (June 29th, 2017)
Mount Pierce run summary. My Garmin Forrunner 920XT has this one at 5.52 miles but it really is 5.98 miles according to the White Mountain online guide. I was able to "trail run" about 40% of the ascent and ran the whole descent pretty quickly, being careful with foot placement through some of the rockier / eroded spots. Interesting to note, this winter I quick hiked up and ran down Mount Pierce and was three minutes faster on my descent during that hike/run, the reason for this, the snow buried all the roots and rocks and it was equivalent to running downhill on a treadmill! (June 29th, 2017)
#28 Madison
Madison via Valley Way and Osgood Trail. The easiest of the Northern Presidential Peaks to run, the grades are never too steep, and the footing isn't too awful, albeit the run is a grind with over 4,000 feet of elevation gained. I felt strong on the run/speed hike up to the summit with a personal best ascent by over five minutes. The descent I zoomed down and was really in the zone. finishing in under two hours, which I am extremely proud of! (September 13th, 2017)Mount Madison run summary. Incredibly, my Garmin 920XT recorded almost a mile under than the official mileage of 8.47. As you can see from the track there are no switchbacks for the most part in the White Mountains, this hike parallels the Snyder Brook almost all the way to treeline. (September 13th, 2017)
#29 Liberty
Liberty via the Pemi Bike Path, Basin Bushwhack, Liberty Springs Trail, and Franconia Ridge Trail. One of the few runs that I wasn't looking forward too because of the relentless steep grind and tricky footing. To minimize the suffering I waited until deep snow coverage which made my ascent a slight bit slower but made my descent time much quicker as I was able to fly down from the summit in twenty three minutes! (April 11, 2018)
Mount Liberty run summary. As always the GPS came in over a half mile under. The run was officially 6.6 miles where the watch recorded 5.96 miles. I was able to trail run the first 1.5 miles, from there is was a big grind until gaining the ridge, 1,700' gained in 1.2 miles. Glad this one is done! (April 11, 2018)

Bondcliff run summary. As always the GPS came in under the actual mileage, this time by just over one mile 17.14 to 18.24. The elevation was also off by 700 feet, 3,076 to 3,765. I kept a solid pace for the whole run/speed hike, being able to "jog" about 90% of the ascent from the cano 16 turnoff. I was really happy to finish with a sub three hour time and felt very strong at the end of the run! (July 16, 2018)
Stumbled on your blog while looking for info on hiking Field, Tom and Willey a few weeks ago. The next day (8/28) you ran past me with a big grin on your face. How's that for a coincidence. Thanks for all the great info, Kevin
ReplyDeleteHi Kevin!
DeleteThat is pretty funny, hope you had a great hike of the Willey Range and I'm glad you like the blog, much appreciated :)