
Mount Tecumseh

Date of Hike: 8/26/12

Mount Tecumseh / Sosman / Ski Trails: 5.1 miles (2,300 elevation gain)

Mount Tecumseh Trailhead at Waterville Valley
Excellent trail work on the Mount Tecumseh Trail
Mount Tecumseh Trail
More great trail work
Alton slowly heading up the Mount Tecumseh Trail
Mount Tecumseh Summit
Sosman Trail
Satellite Tower at the top of Waterville Valley
Top of the ski slope
Waterville Valley Ski Area
The Tripyramids
The Tripyramids from Mount Tecumseh
Waterville Valley
I always get a chuckle from this!


  1. Chris,

    The stonework on the trail looks awesome. I've seen it in other pictures but haven't been able to head up there since it has been put in place. I'm looking forward to checking it out first hand.

    I think the Sosman Trail is my favorite in this small network of trails. Your picture does a good job capturing the enchantmentishness (yes, I just made that word up) of that trail.

    Also, great shots coming down the ski slopes. You did a great job getting some of those chairs in there and making it look very, very picturesque! Especially the picture of the Tris! Nice shot of the flyby butterfly too!


    1. enchantmentishness - you should contact Webster Dictionary and see if they'll throw it in their next edition!

      I always enjoy coming down the ski slope when it's dry, makes the descent much more enjoyable.

  2. LOL! Kinderpark! My memories of Kinderpark and the bunny slope is chaperoning with another adult a group of about 8 children around the age of 5 learning how to ski and how to ride the lifts at Waterville for a couple of years. Lots of fun. We used to put the smallest ones on either side of us and pick them up by the back of the jackets to get them onto the bigger quad lift.

    1. That sounds like a trip, next time I'm there during the winter I'll have to make a side trip to check out all the kids learnign how to ski, snowboard, and take pictures with the Cartoon bear and moose family at the bottom!
