
Cabot & Waumbek

Date of Hike: 8/31/12

Mount Cabot Trail: 7.8 miles (2,750 elevation gain)
Starr King Trail: 7.2 miles (2,650 elevation gain)
Total Miles: 15.0 miles (5,400 elevation gain)

 Heath's Gate
 No Trespassing!
 Logging road
 Mount Cabot Trail
 Kilkenny Ridge Trail Junction
 Cabot Cabin
 You think you hate it now, wait to you sleep there in a hail storm!
View from the site of the old fire tower
Mount Cabot / Kilkennny Ridge Trail 
 Lancaster, NH
 Looking south to the Franconia Ridge
 Mount Cabot Trail

 Mount Cabot Trail
 Mount Cabot Trail
 Trail gets a little narrow in places
 Mount Cabot Trail
 Old logging roads
 Cut-over area
 Gate near the Kilkenny Road Logging Railroad Bed
 Mount Cabot Trailhead at the end of Arthur White Road
 Mount Starr King Cabin fireplace
 View from Starr King
 Starr King Trail
 Starr King Trail
Old Well on the Starr King Trail 
 Star King Trail
Nice clean water!


  1. Hello Chris, Came across your blog this AM. We were hiking also on Waumbek same day in the rain as you and Alton. Lin and I are doing the 48 this year also. We had done Cabot via Unknown Pond/Kilkenny Trails over July 4th w/e. Yup, both peaks are snoozers. Great pics and trail reports. Thanks, Bob Leitch

    1. Hi Bob,

      Glad you like the report and pics, yes total snoozers of peaks! Alton and I have done both before but not together and we just figured let's get these two done on the same day to get them out of the way, we didn't expect the rain but it was still fun, once we were done! Have a great time hiking this upcoming fall!


  2. Hi James, thanks for the info. I will look into adding my blog to the site when I get a chance sometime next week.

    Happy Hiking!

  3. I like the pictures so much! You cannot post enough pictures of this beautiful place. How did you manage to find the place? It is amazing. And yes, I do believe any kind of shelter is welcome during a hailstorm. Safety first.

    1. Hi Terasa, glad you like the pictures, thanks! As far as how I managed to find the place, all the trailheads, descriptions of trails, and maps are from an A.M.C. White Mountains Guide, it's a great book!
