
Huntington Ravine Trail

Date of Hike: 8/24/12

Tuckerman Ravine Trail: 1.3 miles 
Huntington Ravine Trail: 2.1 miles  
Alpine Garden: 0.9 miles 
Lion Head Trail: 1.6 miles
Tuckerman Ravine Trail: 2.3 miles
8.2 miles (3,500 elevation gain)

Trip Report
- So with a little persuasion I decided to bring back the trip report write up, and I figured that a hike up the Huntington Ravine would be a perfect way to get back into it.
- Huntington Ravine Trail is my favorite trail, it's rough, steep, has some difficult scrambles that can be intimidating along with some expansive and Gothic type views!
- The trail branches off from the Tuckerman Ravine Trail and you slowly make your way through the woods to the floor of the ravine. It is a pretty cool sight as the massive headwall of the ravine comes into view as you make your way to the bottom of it.
- The weather was perfect, it was not humid and I had sun and high clouds with excellent views the whole day.
- The really fun part of the hike starts just below what is called 'The Fan,' the fan is a huge open boulder field below the headwall that spreads out like one of those old hand fans.  However before making it to the fan I had to navigate around, over, and in between some huge boulders in the scrub.
- When I popped out onto the fan I was rewarded with impressive and intimidating views of Pinnacle and Central Gully.  I pointed out to Alton where the trail would take us and how there would be some scrambling up rocks to be done. I had fun making our way across the fan hopping and climbing from boulder to boulder before heading back into the scrub and up to the first scramble.
- I then left the scrub for the last time just as I made it to the bottom of the first scramble where I took a break and watched and listened to a couple of rock climbers across the way.
- Now it was time to begin the best part of the trail, there are a couple of steep rock scrambles with the first one being the most intimidating.  About half way up the first scramble the rock slab becomes pretty steep and tricky for non-rock climbers, you have the option of walking upright on exposed slab or lifting your way up a 'crack' using your hands and feet, I went slowly up the crack and Alton zoomed up the exposed slab section.  It was a lot of fun and I found it a lot less nerve-racking than when I hiked it solo the past couple of times.
- The rest of the scrambles are shorter and easier and once past the scrambles there is a fun little chimney before the trail becomes a 'regular' trail again.  As I ascended up the steep scrambles and the chimney I would take breaks to enjoy the magnificent views.
- When I made it to the top of the ravine I ran into younger hikers who had came out of the ravine, it was their first hike up Mount Washington, pretty impressive to do that trail on their first Washington journey. 
- Alton and I decided to skip the summit and just walk along the beautiful Alpine Garden Trail before dropping down the Lion Head Trail.  The Alpine Garden Trail is one of my favorites, there were a couple of late summer flowers to look at along the way and the views and weather was perfect for our descent to treeline on the Lion Head Trail.
- The final walk out along the Tuckerman Ravine Trail was the same as always, it seems a lot longer at the end of the day and every hiker I passed had the "will this ever end" look on their face.
-  It was a great day in Huntington Ravine, the trail never gets old and the massive boulders and rock walls are always impressive making for an exciting experience! 
 Trailhead at Pinkham Notch Visitor Center

 Tuckerman Ravine Trail

 Huntington Ravine Trail Junction

 The Cutler River

 The rugged Huntington Ravine Trail

 Small pool off the trail

 Raymond Path Junction

 Huntington Ravine Trail

 Huntington Ravine Fire Road

 First real good glimpse of the ravine

 Fire Road / Trail Split

 First Aid Cache at the floor of the ravine

 Gateway to Huntington Ravine

 Memorial plaque

The Fan and Central Gully 

 The Fan with Pinnacle and Central Gully

 The Fan

 Crossing the Fan

 Huntington Ravine Trail

 View of Pinnacle Gully from The Fan

 Pinnacle Gully

 Rock climbers making their own way up

 Below the first scramble

 First Scramble

First Scramble 

 First Scramble

 Alton beginning the first scramble

 Hiker taking a much needed break!

 Rest stop with a view!

 Wildcat / Carter / Moriah Range

 Huntington Ravine

 Hiker still enjoying some rest on the trail!

 One of the rock walls that form the boundary of the ravine

 Tourists taking a picture after driving up to mile maker 7 and going for a little stroll

 Top of Huntington Ravine

Alpine Garden Trail 

 The Alpine Garden

 Hiking along the Alpine Garden Trail

 Above Treeline on Mount Washington

 Lion Head Trail

 Hermit Lake and the floor of Tuckerman Ravine

 Hermit Lake and shelters

 Tuckerman Ravine

 Lion Head Trail

 Froggy Rock!

 Looking up to the Lion Head

The Lion Head


  1. Awesome! Love the photos, some of the best I've seen of this hike, particularly the rock scrambling sections. After reading other's trip reports, and now yours, Huntington is definitely on the bucket list. It is something I'd never thought I'd do, but turns out that I like that sort of thing. Now, if I could convince one of my hiking partners to go . . maybe next summer!

    1. Hi Summerset,

      Hope you get to hike up Huntington Ravine next summer, it's a wild hike with some unbelivable views! Hiking in the fan and looking up at the water rushing down from Pinnacle Gully is out of this world, you're going to love it!!!

    2. I'm pretty sure they'll want to go next summer, if not sooner. I'm pretty sure it will be a blast, if your photos and enthusiasm are any indication.

  2. wow This is great ;-) It looks little scary at "scrambling section" is it a gentle climb or a real steep climb? (90 degree?)

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      The scamble sections are not a gentle climb, it's very steep slab but not full on rock climbing. The first scramble is the most exposed and difficult where you will need use of some hand holds, foot placement, and caution. But if you take your time you should be ok. If you have a fear of that kind of thing just use your best judgement when approaching the first scramble if you should turn back or not.

    2. Hi Chris,
      thanks for the infor, really appreciate it. I must also say you have done a great job in documenting it with great photographs !!!


  3. Hi Chris! I really want to do this trail sometime. If I do it, I will need to be with someone who can guide me and give me tips on the scrambles, because these things scare the crap out of me...but are fun once I get on them. I'm really glad you brought the trip reports back. Honestly, your photos tell the trip report really well already...but your narrative bullets certainly add value to it too. Great photos and report!


    1. Hi Karl, thanks for the nice words about the trip report and pics. You will love the scrambles, I always find them much easier when with a group of friends hiking it, the times I go solo I get freaked out because I'm usually all alone up there, but with other hikers you will love it, hope you get to do it soon and have a blast!

  4. Terrific ! But I don't think I could do that with the exposure. Great to look at though !

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      Glad you like the report and pics, thanks! Huntington Ravine is a tough hike and steep but if you ever decide to do it and can get over the first scramble the exposure isn't too bad and if you take your time you will be just fine!

  5. Chris,

    As others have said, your pictures are great, but we're glad to have your TR's back as well. Great stuff!


    1. Thanks Mike!

      Great pics and report of your latest hike, love the picture of your dog Rev napping on Pyramid!!!

  6. Great report, Chris. This is the best I've seen about Huntington. It shows me what I wanted to know about the most difficult parts of the hike. Having seen this, I am confident I can make it up this trail. Might have to look only up or stare into the rock wall only on certain passes, but I believe I can do it. The smile on Alton's face in every picture tells you all you need to know. What a fun adventure!

    Thanks again,

    Chris Stratton/Arkie

    1. Thanks!

      You will have a blast hiking it, just make sure you head up it when the boulders and rock slabs are dry and you have a day filled with views so you can take it all in!

  7. Chris, I already commented on your Facebook page, but it deserves saying again, i.e., this is one of the best (if not THE best) photo-documentations I've seen of the key points on the climb up the Huntington Ravine Trail! You and Alton did a marvelous job!


    1. Thanks John, that means a lot coming from a great photographer and hiker with great knowledge of the area as you, much appreciated!!!

      We had a blast and Alton can't wait to hike up Huntington ravine again!

  8. Thanks for posting your pictures of Alton hiking up Huntington.
    We made it up to the beginning of the first scramble and it started to pour!
    We turned arround there and I was so disappointed.
    I am determined and excited to got back this summer.
    What kind of sneakers or hiking shoes was Alton wearing?
    I want to know what's the best type of shoes or boots to wear going up the scramble.
    It's beautiful on the Huntington trail! Loved it!

    1. Hi Anonymous, glad you liked the pictures of the Huntington Ravine hike, it's one of my favorites. Good all not heading up the slab in the rain, it can get very slippery and dangerous. I don't remember what shoes she had on for this hike but shortly after this she started wearing La Sportiva Raptors which have incredible grip and traction for all types of terrain and hold up the best out of any trail runner I have had on the punishing terrain of the Presidential Range. Hope you have a blast this summer in Huntington Ravine :)

  9. Are there any long reaches for a 15 year old with a 13 year old's body? My son isn't that large yet.

    1. Yes, there are long reaches per say but it all depends on your child's experience and being comfortable with scrambles. If they are comfortable with scrambling and exposure they will love Huntington, if not I would suggest hiking any of the other approaches up to the rock pile!
