
Mount Mansfield

Date of Hikes: 8/19/12

Long Trail: 3.5 miles 
Auto Road: 0.5 miles  
Haselton Trail: 2.5 miles 
VT 108: 0.5 miles
Total Miles: 7.0
 2,800 elevation gain

Trail Conditions: Long Trail is dry, decent footing below the Taft Lodge, rock slab and one small pitch (chimney like) above treeline.  One water source below treeline. Haselton Trail splits off the auto road at the top of a ski lift, trails has ok to rough footing when not on the ski trail.  Great views from the ridge!

 The Taft Lodge

 The Taft Lodge

 Alpine Zone

 Adam's Apple

 Vermont's "Lake of the Clouds"

 Mount Mansfield summit marker

 Bog Bridges along the exposed ridge

 Alpine Zone alert

 Hikers enjoying the view between the Chin and the Nose

 Hiking towards the Nose

Mount Mansfield


  1. Super pics, super hikers!! :-)

    1. Thanks Eva, we had a lot of fun hiking Mount Mansfield, glad you enjoyed our pictures!!

  2. Loved your reports, especially with it coming right on the heels of my trek to Camel's Hump just one day before the trek you and Alton did to Mt. Mansfield.

    Your photos and accompanying captions are simply terrific, and they provide an excellent guided tour of the route you followed. And for whatever reason, I particularly like the photo showing Alton heading south on the Long Trail.

    Good stuff, as always, Chris!


  3. Nice stuff, Chris. I'm feeling the pull of Mansfield and the Hump, too. Might do a weekend trip to bag them both before too long.

    Thanks for sharing your story and your pics.

    -Chris Stratton
