
Mount Moriah

Date of Hike: 1/21/12

Carter-Moriah Trail: 9.0 miles (3,550 elevation gain)

Trip Report:
- Spent the day hiking with a big group of people (Bob, Geri, Dina, Justin, Randy, and Alton) along with two dogs (Quinn and Dusty)
- Quinn is a seeing eye dog for Randy who is blind and working on his winter 48 - 4,000 footers.  Eventhough he's blind he hikes better than most people I've come across on the trail.
- The trail was broken the whole way with a few inches of fresh fluffy snow which made for easy hiking.  It snowed the whole day and there was no wind making for a pleasant hike eventhough the views were mostly socked in.
- It was a great hike and at the end we even jogged down the trail at times, to do this Randy holds one hand out and lightly grips the snowshoes that are attached to Bob's backpack, it was one of the most impressive things I've ever seen and made for a great ending to a really fun hike!


 Randy and Quinn lead the way (Picture taken by Bob)
 Hiking along the Carter-Moriah Trail
 Up the steeps past Mount Surprise
Summit of Mount Moriah (Picture taken by Bob)

1 comment:

  1. What a great hike, as was the other you posted with Randy and Quinn. We crossed paths with Randy and crew on the Tripyramids on Saturday. We could hear a group behind us, and finally met the whole group on North Tri., before they headed to Middle and we finished our break. We caught up with them again on the way to Middle Tri. and it was fascinating to watch Randy and Quinn work together as a team to navigate the trail!
