
Mount Monroe, Eisenhower, Pierce

Date of Hike: 1/22/12

Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail: 2.6 miles
Mount Monroe Loop Trail: 0.7 Miles
Crawford Path: 1.4 miles
Mount Eisenhower Loop: 0.8 miles
Crawford Path / Webster-Cliff Trail: 4.5 miles
Total Miles: 10.0 Miles (3,600 elevation gain)
Click here for trail descriptions

Trip Report:
- It was an amazing day to head up above treeline, mostly clear skies, temps in the mid teens, and no wind!
- I joined in with a big group to hike the Southern Presidential Range, basically the same group as on Saturday and we had a great time.  Once past the Gem Pool I went up ahead so I could take pictures of everyone.
- Once again I was amazed and very impressed on how well and fast Randy is able to hike, his guide dog Quinn is excellent at leading the way for him.
- Ammonoosuc Ravine trail in the winter is one of my favorites, it's a thousand times better in the snow whic covers the rocks, plus it's beautiful!
- The hike over Monroe and through to Pierce was one of my favorite hikes I have done that I can recall, the snow made for incredible hiking.
- The weather could not have been better, I hiked in a long sleeve tshirt the whole day without de or re-layering, which never happens in the winter for me.
- The hike down Crawford Path below treeline back to the car was even fun as we jogged a few sections which was pretty wild!
- It was a great day for a hike with great people! To read more about Randy and Quinn hiking click here

Pictures: Click here for all Pictures

 Marshfield Station
 Quinn guiding Randy
 Crossing the Ammonoosuc Brook above the Falls
 Hiking up the Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail
 Lakes of the Clouds Hut
 Hiking up the Mount Monroe Loop Trail with Lakes of the Clouds and Mount Washington
 Mount Monroe and Washington
 Avoiding Spruce Traps on the Crawford Path
Heading up to Mount Pierce


  1. What a truly amazing day you guys had! This winter hasn't produced many near-perfect days like the one you experienced!


  2. Just spectacular! Some of the best shots of the Presis in winter I've seen. John is right - just a perfect day! Thanks for taking us along.


  3. Thanks guys glad you like the pictures!
