
Mount Jackson

Date of Hike: 1/16/12

Webster-Jackson Trail: 5.2 miles (2,200 elevation gain)
Click here for trail descriptions

Trip Report:
- Decided to do a quick hike before getting to work and heading back to Rhode Island.  It was a balmy -14 at the Highland Center in Crawford Notch, however there was no wind and crystal clear visibility.
- Within ten minutes I was already warmed up and as usual my upper body was sweating but I felt much stronger than I did yesterday.  The Webster-Jackson trail is all in the woods with a fun steep ledge the last one hundred feet up to the summit which was covered in styrofoam snow making it easy to get up in just microspikes.
- I stayed on the summit for about ten minutes staring at the Presidential Range and taking pictures before blitzing down the mountain were I finally ran into about nine hikers, a super friendly black lab, and a quiet husky type dog all along the last mile of the trail.

Pictures: Click here for all pictures

 Mount Jackson Summit
 Presidential Range
 Presidential Range
 Mount Willey, Field, Tom, and Avalon
 View from Mount Jackson's Summit
Mount Carrigain and the Vose Spur

1 comment:

  1. Your decision to do a quick trek up to Mt. Jackson really paid off! You were definitely rewarded with some absolutely fabulous views!

