
Mount Liberty & Flume Mountain

Date of Hike: 1/15/12

Basin Bushwhack / Liberty Springs Trail: 2.9 miles
Franconia Ridge Trail: 3.0 miles
Basin Bushwhack / Liberty Springs Trail: 2.9 miles
- 8.8 miles (4,050 elevation gain)
Click here for Trail Descriptions

Trip Report:
- Sunday's forecast called for clear skies but extreme cold with wind chill values as low a -40 above treeline.  After pushing myself on Saturday's hike I decided a quick trip up to Mount Liberty and over to Flume would be a great hike.
- It was -5 when I pulled into the Basin Parking lot at 8am where I started out on the bike bath for a few tenths of a mile before bushwhacking over to the old logging road from the Whitehouse Mill which soon hooked onto the Liberty Spring Trail.  I started out in snowshoes but soon switched to microspikes until reaching Franconia Ridge
- It was freezing out but the wind was not a factor making for a pleasant hike, also it didn't matter that it was -5 out as I was working up a sweat by the time I reached the Liberty Spring Trail.  It was slow going as I must have slightly pull a muscle near my groin on Saturday while slipping and sliding down off of Osceola.
- I changed into dry layers when I reached the Franconia Ridge and put my snowshoes on again and kept them on over Liberty and to Flume and back.
- The only time the wind was whipping was on Mount Liberty's summit area but then again it wasn't to bad at all.
- Views from both Liberty and Flume were phenomenal, there was undercast engulfing the Kinsman Ridge to the West and the Garfield Ridge and Twinway to the north.
- On the hike back I ran into to guys working on the grid who were doing a Franconia Ridge Traverse, a couple with a Golden Retriever named Ben who was knocking off his 33rd peak, and a group of three guys hiking Liberty in the afternoon.
- I got back to the car around 12:30, just in time for lunch!

Flume Mountain from Mount Liberty's Summit 
 Owl's Head and the Bonds
Hellgate Ravine and Bondcliff, Bond, and West Bond 
 Franconia Ridge (Liberty through Lafayette) from Flume Mountain
 Pemigewasset Wilderness
Mount Liberty's Summit


  1. Fantastic photos, Chris! Cold camera + cold fingers can sometimes make for challenging photography. You certainly met the challenge!

    Good job!

  2. Thanks guys, glad you like the pictures....hand warmers in the mittens are my cold fingers best friends!!
