
The Great Gulf

Great Gulf Trail and wilderness boundary
No camping allowed
The top of the Great Gulf Trail
The Great Gulf Trail
Spaulding Lake
The Great Gulf Trail
The Great Gulf Trail, as landslide came in from the left and whipped out the old trail which looks the same as the new one because it's still loose boulders!
The Great Gulf Trail
Great Gulf Wilderness
The Great Gulf Trail turning into a river
The Great Gulf Trail goes through a water flow which makes for some interesting maneuvering from one side to the other
The Great Gulf Trail
The Great Gulf Trail
The Great Gulf Trail
Waterfalls in the Great Gulf Trail
The Great Gulf Trail.  The Trail is a waterfall by this point
The Great Gulf Trail
The Great Gulf Trail
The Great Gulf Trail
Flooded Great Gulf Trail.  This was always wet but no it's a moving stream.  There's not much that can be done to fix this.
Spaulding Lake
Spaulding Lake
The Great Gulf Trail, it's dry in a few spots!
Mount Adams from the Great Gulf Trail
Weetamoo Cascade and Falls
Brook Crossing on the Great Gulf Trail.  Most of them are shallow but not rock hop-able.  During a storm this little crossing would actually become dangerous
Flooded Great Gulf Trail.  Another section that is a moving stream now.
Brook crossing on the Great Gulf Trail.  This one was rock hop-able
Weetamoo Cascade and Falls
Weetamoo Cascade and Falls
Weetamoo Cascade and Falls
Weetamoo Cascade and Falls
Old site of the Great Gulf Shelter and Lean-to
Flooded Great Gulf Trail.  Just between the old shelter site and the Six Husbands Trail Junction.  This is a complete mess of shallow water with nasty mud underneath.  Bog bridges would fix this in an instant.
West Branch crossing on the Six Husbands Trail
Mike helping a hiker across the West Branch
West Branch
Six Husbands Trail
Six Husbands / Buttress Trail Junction
Buttress Trail crossing.  It's rock hop-able

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