
Mount Garfield

Date of Hike: 12/28/12

Route 302 / Gale river Loop Road: 1.3 miles
Garfield Trail: 4.8 miles
Garfield Ridge Trail: 0.4 miles
Garfield Trail: 4.8 miles
Route 302 / Gale river Loop Road: 1.3 miles
Total Miles: 12.6
3,000 feet elevation gain
Trip Report:
- Thursday's big snow storm meant that Friday would be a 'Break Out' day in the White Mountains.   I met up with Ryan, Kristina, Kelsey, and Brian for a hike through a winter wonderland.
- Ryan and Kristina got chased out of the entrance for the Gale River Loop Road by truckers so we met up at five corners, packed up all our gear and made the short road walk back to the Gale River road.
- We were surprised to see that the road was plowed to the first bridge and happy to see there was a snowshoe track after the plowing stopped.
- We made good time to the trailhead were the gradual ascent up to the Garfield Ridge began.  Everything looked awesome after the snowstorm as we plodded our way higher and higher.
- Kristina, Ryan, and I went ahead of Kelsey and Brian and finally caught up to the other hikers who had done a great job breaking the trail.  One of which was skiing the mountain, which looked pretty friggan cool.  From here Ryan went barging ahead as he is a trail breaking machine.  I took a break to refuel and I had to de and relayer as I was getting chilled up.
- I met back up with Ryan and Kristina at the Garfield Ridge Trail junction and followed another hiker up to the windy and chilly summit where we snapped a few pics and got back into the trees out of the wind.
- Back at the Garfield Trail / Garfield Ridge Trail junction we took a break and ate as much food as we could before a rebel Gray Jay came dive bombing in to steal away some bites.
- Kelsey and Brian reached the trail junction soon after and made their way up the final stretch of the mountain as the four of us barrelled down the mountain.  We were all pretty cold at this point but as we moved faster and dropped in elevation we warmed up nicely.
- By the time we got back to the road walk I was pretty spent, I didn't have the extra gear I usually have at the end of hikes and I was very happy to remove my snowshoes once we got back to the plowed section of the road.
- We made it back to the car from the ridge pretty quickly all things considered and it was great to finally have a real winter hike!

Gale River Loop Road

Mount Garfield Trailhead

Mount Garfield Trail


Mount Garfield Trail

Mount Garfield Trail

Mount Garfield Summit Area

Mount Garfield Summit


  1. thanks for the pics. Nice job breaking trail. Winter is here.
