
Cannon Mountain

Date of Hike: 12/29/12
Kinsman Ridge Trail: 4.4 miles (2,200 elevation gain)
Trip Report:
 - I had a free morning on Saturday so I decided a quick hike up the Kinsman Ridge Trail was a good option until I reached the trailhead and noticed that it was going to be a tougher hike than I expected.  First off the trail info sign points the wrong way, it say the Kinsman Ridge Trail is to the right and it's not, it's left of the sign where the woods are, to the left of the glades.  Second, I thought this trail would have seen a decent amount of traffic the day before but I was wrong as there was only one barebooter who ventured on the trail.  So it was time to break out the snowshoes and plow my way up to the summit of Cannon Mountain.
- I like the Kinsman Ridge Trail, it's very steep and gets you to where you want to go fast, even in an unbroken trail. Also there are excellent views to be had the final half mile and on the summit observation tower.
- I made sure today to take a bunch of pictures as I ascended, this helped me out with pacing as I never got to tired from snapping pictures.
- When I reached the glade section I bumped into three other hikers that had come up the glades.  It was nice to see other hikers out there taking advantage of the weather before the storm came rolling in.
- After passing by the other hikers I made my way up through the woods and eventually came out below the summit where the views were pretty incredible of the Franconia Ridge across the way. 
- It was not too windy which made the summit observation tower a pleasant experience.  I took off my snowshoes and headed up the stairs to the top, I could have left them on since the stairs were all packed with snow.  At the top I took a bunch of pictures and ate some food before starting my descent.
- Just before heading back into the woods I ran into Steve (sorry if I got your name wrong)  He had just broken out the Tripyramids the day before via the Pine Bend Brook Trail and was with the two other hikers who had come up the glades.  It was nice running into you on the trails!
- The rest of the descent was fast and furious as I plowed my way down the mountain.  I love descending off Cannon in the snow, lots of fun sliding down the steep sections with reckless abandon.
- I came across another six hikes all heading up, I hope they were able to get some views before the weather came rolling in.  By the time I made it back to the car it started snowing and by the time I drove through the notch it was a full on snow storm!
- I couldn't have timed the hike any better and was thrilled to get in one last hike with great views to end the year hiking for me!

 Bottom of the Kinsman Ridge Trail
 Kinsman Ridge Trail
 Looking down the Kinsman Ridge Trail
Ascending the Kinsman Ridge Trail 
 View from the glades
 Crossing the glades
 Ski Glades
 The steep Kinsman Ridge Trail
 Obstructed view from the Kinsman Ridge Trail
Kinsman Ridge Trail 
 Echo Lake
 Echo Lake
 Top of the glades
 Top of the glades
Kinsman Ridge Trail 
 Cannon Mountain summit from the Kinsman Ridge Trail Outlook
 Mount Lafayette and Lincoln
 Franconia Ridge
 Franconia Notch
 The tourist part of the Kinsman Ridge Trail
 Trail Junction
 Kinsman Ridge Trail
 Cannon Balls and the Kinsman Mountain Range
 Kinsman Ridge
 Franconia Notch
 Franconia Ridge
 Mount Liberty
 Mount Lafayette
 Mount Lincoln
 Cannon Mountain Observation Tower
 Cannon Mountain Observation Tower
 Top of the chair lift
 Looking out to Mittersill Peak
 Cliffs at the north end of Franconia Notch
Cannon Mountain Observation Tower 
Sun being swallowed up by a gray lifeless sky 
 Stairs on the tower
 Mount Lafayette
 Kinsman Ridge Trail
 Kinsman Ridge Trail
 Kinsman Ridge Trail
Northern terminus of the Kinsman Ridge Trail (trail goes into the woods on the left)


  1. Gorgeous - much better than my last trip up there. Maybe I can drag one of my hiking partners up there in February.

  2. Looks like you were on Cannon at about the same time my group was on North Kinsman, your pictures look strikingly similar to mine. I still have yet to get up Cannon on a clear day, maybe I'll cherry-pick a day this winter to do a Waumbek/Cannon hit and run!

    1. The Waumbek/Cannon hit and run is a great combo! Enjoy!

  3. Incredible photos as always Chris!

  4. Chris , Fantastic pictures. Did you take some of these in monochromatic or was it really just a black & white world - either way they where great pictures. I actually viewed these quite a while ago but couldn't respond from that site.

    1. Hi Marvin! The day had no color (no sun, high cloud cover)so all the pictures just look like they are in black and white. These are some of my favorite pictures from the winter that my camera has taken so far.
