
Twins / Bonds Traverse

Date of Hike: 7/15/12

North Twin Trail: 4.3 miles 
North Twin Spur: 1.2 miles
Twinway: 2.0 miles
Bondcliff Trail:  6.9 miles
Wilderness Trail: 4.7 miles
19.2 Miles
4,400 elevation gain

Trail Conditions: The three water crossings of the Little River on the North Twin Trail very low and easy to cross, herd path bypassing first two crossings very well defined for travel during times of high water flow. No reliable water sources on trail past third crossing of the Little River for about 10 miles until 2.0 miles below the summit of Bondcliff (brook bed across trail is dry but water about 50 feet upstream).  Two major crossings of Black Brook low and easily rock hoped. Lincoln Woods / Wilderness Trail is the same as it ever was, flat and long!

 North Twin Trailhead

 Third crossing of the Little River

 North Twin Trail

 Hiking up the North Twin Trail

 Mount Hale from an outlook along the North Twin Trail

 Hazy day in the White Mountains

 South Twin

 Mount Carrigain

 Approaching North Twin's summit

 Garfield and Franconia Ridges

 Galehead, Owl's Head, Liberty and Flume Mountains

 Mount Garfield

 Galehead Hut

 View from the Summit of South Twin

 Hikers taking a break on South Twin (Franconia Ridge in the background)

 The Twinway

 Mount Garfield behind Southwest Twin

 The Slides of the Twinway

 The Twinway

 Mount Guyot

 West Bond from Mount Guyot

 Carrigain Notch

 Owl's Head and the Franconia Ridge

 Bondcliff as seen from Mount Bond

 Bondcliff Ridge


Descending into the Bond/Bondcliff col on the Bondcliff Trail

 Mount Bond from Bondcliff's summit area

 Mount Bond

 Wilderness Trail

 Lincoln Woods East Branch Pemigewasset River Suspension Bridge


  1. Wow. These are great photos. Looks like a fun hike.

    1. Hey Andy, glad you enjoyed the pictures, thanks! The Twins and the Bonds have always been some of my favorite mountains to hike, great views, great trails!


  2. Chris,
    I enjoy reading your stuff. Killer long trips. I believe you are wearing Lasportiva Raptors? If so, are you happy with them? I'm taking mine on a test drive this weekend.


    1. Hi Petch, glad you enjoy the blog, thanks!

      The Raptors are excellent, I have been wearing them for a year and they are super comfortablke and have excellent grip which is perfect for the boulders and rock slab on some of the tougher trails.

      Enjoy them!
