
Pemi Loop

Date of Hike: 7/8/12

Lincoln Woods Trail 4.7 miles 
Bondcliff Trail 6.9 miles
Twinway 2.8 miles
Garfield Ridge Trail  6.6 miles
Franconia Ridge Trail 5.0 miles
Osseo Trail 4.1 miles
Lincoln Woods Trail 1.4 miles
31.5 miles
9,000 elevation gain

Trail Conditions: Bone dry, Black Brook water crossings all low and rock hop-able. Reliable water sources along trail - Garfield Pond & Garfield Ridge tentsite spur junction, multiple water crossings first 2.5 miles on Bondcliff Trail, East Branch Pemi River along LW/W Trail.

Mount Lincoln and Lafayette from Bondcliff

Owl's Head and the Franconia Ridge

Looking over to Loon Mountain

The Hancock Range

Bondcliff, West Bond, and Bond

Looking back at Bondcliff

West Bond from Mount Guyot

Galehead Hut and South Twin

Kelsey with Mount Garfield in the background

Greenleaf Hut and Eagle Lake

Classic Franconia Ridge picture

Heading south on the Franconia Ridge Trail

The Bonds


  1. Chris, Alton and Kelsey, congrats! How did we miss you on the ridge? Chris, Bill and I were up there as well!

    Hope you eyed the Lincoln Slide while you were up there, we did and we're looking at that soon.

    1. Hey Scott, we got to the Skookumchuck Trail junction around 4pm so it looks like we probably missed you by a half hour to an hour or so. That wind was pretty wicked up there on the ridge, lots of fun! And of course I eyed the slide on my way over the ridge!

  2. Great photos, Chris. What a great day for views. I'll be up for Seek the Peak weekend. Not sure I'll hike W, maybe the northern Presis and some others. But will be there for the party.

    1. Arkie, have a great time doing Seek the Peak, hope you get some great views!

  3. Your shot of the Bonds near sunset is just incredible! The lighting makes all the difference. What a day to be out and doing such an ambitious loop.

    1. Owen, I love the shadows the mountains cast late in the day on a day like this, everything becomes pretty cool to look at.

  4. Can't come up with anything to say other than WOW!


    1. Thanks John, your pictures from your Mount Jefferson hike where out of this world too!

  5. Great pics!!! Thanks for sharing!
