
In and Above the Great Gulf Wilderness

Great Gulf Trail:  4.5 miles
Six Husbands Trail: 2.3 miles
Mount Jefferson Loop / Gulfside Trail: 3.1 miles
Osgood / Great Gulf Trail: 5.6 miles
Total Miles: 15.5 (5,500 elevation gain)
Click here for trail descriptions

 Trip Report:
- Day two of Diaz hiking with me in the White Mountains called for even better weather so it was off to the Great Gulf Wilderness to one of the wildest and steepest trails around, the Six Husbands Trail.
- To get to the Six Husbands Trail one has to hike 4.5 miles deep into the Great Gulf which gets wilder and more remote once passing the Bluff tentsite.  There were not many people on the trails in here, we only saw five other hikers in the morning, three heading up the Great Gulf trail all the way to Mount Washington's summit and two others on the Six Husbands Trail.
- The Six Husbands Trail was was in great shape with no blowdowns and they also added a new ladder right after the short scramble under the overhanging rock.  The section right before, during, and after the ladders is one of the best sections of hiking in the Whites, it's steep, rough, a little dicey, and very exciting.
- Once passed this section you head into the Alpine Zone and have incredible views into the Great Gulf, Jefferson Ravine, and across to the Wildcat-Carter-Moriah Range.
- The final push up to the summit into the wind drained the energy out of Diaz but he rebounded after we took a long half hour break at the summit and chatted it up with a guy who just completed his 36th - 4,000 foot summit.
- After lunch we quickly dropped down to Edmands Col, made great time over to Thunderstorm Junction, and enjoyed the stroll along the sidewalk section of the Gulfside Trail before the last short steep descent to Madison Springs Hut enjoying the perfect weather.
- At the hut we took a quick break and decided instead of heading down the Madison Gulf Trail to spend more time above treeline and head over the summit of Mount Madison and take the Osgood Trail back down to the Great Gulf Trail.
- The hike up to the summit went without a hitch and the hike down the Osgood Ridge was excellent with crystal clear 360 degree views.
- Once below treeline the hike become a mini-slog but we still made good time and made it back to camp Dodge just in time for the BBQ!
- It was an awesome two days in the White Mountains and Diaz had alot of fun and has now hiked all of the official 5,000 foot summits int he White Mountains! Can't wait to next year!

Click here for all pictures

 Ladder Steps on the Six Husbands Trail
 Scrambling up the Six Husbands Trail
 Hiking above treeline
 Mount Washington
 Thunderstorm Junction
Hiking down to Madison Springs Hut


  1. Wow, awesome pics, that Husbands Trail looks scary! =)

  2. Nice pics! I did not know there was a ladder on any trail int he whites! I want to get out there and do that!

  3. We are headed into Great Gulf next week for some day hikes. I was last there in Novenber,1971 and climbed Jefferson via Six Husbands from the Great Gulf shelters. They seem to be gone now since they don't appear on current maps. I don't recall any ladders at the time but do remember that overhang, in mixed precip besides and blowing snow above tree line. I was alone but made it down in once piece. Youth.

  4. Awesome, awesome, awesome!
    I've never hiked the Six Husbands Trail, but hope to do some at some point. I'm just curious about the second photo. It doesn't show a ladder, but looks like it could use one! Is that particular spot easier to negotiate than it looks?


  5. Glad everyone enjoyed the pics, thanks!

    Anonymous, That must have been crazy without ladders! Have fun in the Great Gulf next week!

    John the second pic is a minor scramble, nothing to tough at all in dry conditions and lots of fun. the only hard one is the overhanging rock because your backpack could get in the way but if you just be careful you'll be ok!


  6. "Steep, rough, a little dicey, and very exciting." sounds like my kind of trail. That last image of the hut down below is amazing!

  7. Your photo of Mount Washington with that great view of the Great Gulf, was that taken from the summit of Jefferson?

    1. Hi Anne, yes it was taken from Mount Jefferson, I don't think I took the photo from the summit, I believe I was about a half mile below the summit on the upper end of the Six Husbands Trail,
