
Adirondack High Peaks

One of my hiking goals this year is to hike the 46 Hike Peaks in the Adirondacks.  Twenty years ago I hiked Mount Marcy with my parents, brother, and my dog Scarlet but I do not remember much about the trip other than watching people fly down this big ski jump and splashing into a pool near Lake Placid. So after spending the past few years completing the A.M.C. 48 4,000 footers in New Hampshire, doing them in the winter, and checking out almost every trail throughout the 48 - 4,000 footers it was time to head to New York and explore the ADK High Peaks. Patiently I waited for all the snow to melt and the rain to stop (for a few days anyway) and I hiked for a week in the mud over rough and rugged trails where I experienced awesome new views while putting lots of miles on my boots! Click links below to view trip reports or click here to view image galleries

 Flowed Lands and Lake Colden 
 Lower Ausable Lake
 Basin and Saddleback Mountains
 Giant Mountain
 Elk Lake
 Upper Great Range
Gothics and Pyramid


  1. Your day hikes sound fun and painful! The two day backpacking trip with your friends sounded like a great way to end a week full of hiking! Great reports and pics, keep them coming =)

  2. The Adirondacks are cooler than I give them credit for, looks a lot more remote than the Whites. Last time I hiked Mount Marcy, when I was 13, bears cut down my bear bag and ate my food right in front of me. Did you see any bears out there?

  3. Didn't see any bears but the signs warning you about them are all over the place and bear cannisters are required. I enjoyed my week hiking in the ADK's, I thought the trails were more difficult because of the shape they were in, there's no water bars so everything erodes. They definitely have more of a remoteness feel to them. However they lack the above treeline experience you get in the Whites. Both are great mountain ranges!
