
Spring Showers on the Osceola's

Date of Hike: 5/15/11

Mount Osceola Trail: 8.4 miles (3,000 elevation gain)
Click here for trail descriptions

Trip Report:
-  Sunday's forecast was for a washout but I was sick of training at the gym, I wanted to break in my new boots, and wanted to see if this annoying soreness around my knee was anything to worry about so it was off to the Osceola's  for a quick hike in the rain!
- On trail at 10am, Osceola 11:20ish, Osceola East Peak 11:55ish, finished 1:30pm. Temps in the mid 40's to low 50's, no wind, no views, drizzle until final descent off Osceola then rain showers.
- I booked it up to the Mount Osceola trail and didn't stop until the summit to take a break and refuel.  I was thrilled that my knee only felt uncomfortable for about one ten minute stretch and then was fine the rest of the day!
- The trail was wet and muddy until the around 3,800 feet where rotting snow and ice slowed me down a bit because I stubbornly didn't put on our microspikes.
- From Osceola over to East Osceola I put on my micro's and charged down into the col bypassing the chimney then headed up to the wooded no thrills summit of East Osceola.
- On the way back over to Osceola I went strait up the chimney, it was really wet but lots of fun.  After passing the chimney I just put my head down and marched up to the summit of Osceola as the rain started to finally come down on us.
- The descent back to the car seemed to take forever (as it always does) and once again I was stubborn and didn't stop to put on dry layers so I was soaked to the bone and my fingers became quite cold.
- Back at the car I changed into dry clothes which took forever since my digits were numbed up pretty good. It felt good to get warmed up and head back south after a rainy spring day in the mountains!


  1. Nice report. Hiked these peaks last week...that rotting snow can be really difficult. Chimney was a lot of fun though - looks like you guys had a good time.

  2. Thanks, glad you liked the trip report! Osceola's is a fun little hike from either side and the Chimney is always a blast, just wish it were higher!

    Have fun hiking the 48, see you on the trails!
