
North Kinsman, South Kinsman, Cannon Mountain

Memorial Day Weekend ~ Click below to view trip report
Elevation Gain

Date of Hike: 5/28/11

Lonesome Lake Trail: 1.4 miles
Fishin' Jimmy Trail: 2.0 miles
Kinsman Ridge Trail: 7.3 miles
Lonesome Lake Trail: 2.3 miles
Total Miles: 13.0 (4,400 elevation gain)
- Since the weather was crummy for views I had no specific mountains that I wanted to hike but I was hoping to go for a semi-challenging hike and the Kinsman Ridge between Kinsman Junction and Cannon Mountain was the perfect hike just for this day.
- On trail at 7:45am, South Kinsman 10:05am, Cannon 12:30pm, temps in the 60's all day, misty rain, heavy thick cloud cover, couldn't even see Lonesome Lake from the Around Lonesome Lake trail in the afternoon which is 10 feet off the path!
- With all the rain over the past month the trails are a mixed bag.  Some spots they're holing up well but places with damaged or backed up water bars are a muddy mess or flooded with big puddles taking up the whole trail.
- Without views this hike is a mini-sufferfest, especially hiking through the Cannon Balls.  The highlights of the hike were the two steep sections, one on the upper half of the Fishin' Jimmy Trail and the last section over huge boulders up the Kinsman Ridge Trail below Cannon.
- There weren't many hikers along the ridge but there were a ton (lost count at 75) heading up to Lonesome Lake Hut.
- Even with the socked in views it was still a good start to a three day weekend.

 Lonesome Lake
 Fishin Jimmy Trail
Lonesome Lake Trail

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