
Mount Jackson (#46)

Date of Hike: 2/20/11

Webster-Jackson Trail: 5.2 miles (elevation gain 2,200)
Click here for trail descriptions

Trip Report:
- After seeing the weather forecast calling for real high winds I was not going to hike, however at the last moment I figured I'd just head up north to basically run up and down Mount Jackson.
- On trail at 7:10am, Mount Jackson summit 8:30am, finished 9:15am.  Temps in the single digits, winds 50 plus mph on summit, no views.
- There is really nothing to exciting about this hike as it's a pretty strait forward up and down.  The best part is the last .3 miles as one can see the summit from the trail and the steep ledge section just below the summit.
- The wind was really ferocious at the top where I ran into two guys who couldn't locate the trail as they were trying to see how long they could hike along the ridge.  I led them down off the summit ledges on the Webster Cliff Trail and pointed them to a white A.T. blaze on the first tree in the woods and told them good luck and have a fun hike!
- I ran back up to the summit getting battered around by the wind and quickly descended the ledges on the Webster-Jackson Trail and got the hell out of the wind.  I was warm but my neck warmer froze solid!
- The hike out was fast and furious as the trail is well packed down and built for speed.  I ran into Jeremy,  Eric, Sabrina and their two super trail breaking dogs! They were hiking Jackson in the morning and then heading over to hike Tom, Field, and Willey afterwords!
- Back at the car I contemplated heading over to the Crawford Path to hike Ike and Pierce to finish off the Winter 48 knowing the weather called for clearing skies but within seconds I was frozen to the bone and decided to wait until a day with lower winds so I can enjoy the hike above treeline between Pierce and Eisenhower.

Pictures: Click here for Image Gallery

 Webster Cliff / Webster-Jackson Trail Junction
Mount Jackson Summit

1 comment:

  1. Only two left, that's great! The weather conditions were similar when I was up there in January. Actually, your pictures look clearer than mine did. My plan was to hike over to Pierce via the ridge and hut, but like you, I decided to make a beeline for the car. The last time I was on Pierce I didn't have views, so I didn't want to waste a trip over there with no views.
