
Mount Pierce & Eisenhower (#47, #48)

Date of Hike: 2/23/11

Crawford Path / Mount Eisenhower Loop: 9.4 (elevation gain 3,250)
click here for trail descriptions

Trip Report:
- With clear skies forecast for Wednesday it was the perfect opportunity to head up to the White Mountains and finish off the Winter 48 - 4,000 footers!
- On trail at 7am, Pierce summit 8:20am, Eisenhower summit 9:10am, finished 10:20am.  Temps at trailhead -10 degrees, temps when done 20 degrees, temps while hiking single digits, W/NW winds from 20-35 mph, clear skies 100 miles plus visibility.
- The Crawford Path has easy to moderate grades and in the winter when well packed you can really book it up the trail to treeline.  Even with the low temps I was able to heat up really fast and once reaching the Alpine Zone I decided to put on dry layers and get out my snowboard goggles in anticipation for the wind.
- The wind was pretty rough at the Webster Cliff / Crawford Path Trail Junction, but I made the turn and headed up a few hundred yards to Mount Pierce's summit, took a couple of pic and dropped back down and headed north on the Crawford Path.
- Within five minutes I changed from my microspikes into snowshoes to make navigating through the minor snow drifts easier. 
- The hike over to the Mount Eisenhower Loop Trail went quickly as the wind would kick up here and there. I was battling minor fogging/icing on my goggles and making sure my neck warmer didn't freeze up solid but I was warm so everything was good to go!
- The hike up the loop trail was easier as I was sheltered from the wind until reaching Mount Eisenhower's summit.
- At the summit I took a few pics but the wind was whipping pretty good so I couldn't really enjoy the moment until I descended and took a break out of the wind.
- The wind was dying down (a little) as I headed back towards Mount Pierce but it gave me one last beating as I approached the Webster Cliff Trail Junction.  From here I jogged the 3.1 miles down the Crawford Path back to the car.  I passed six hikers and one dog all having a blast hiking up into the blue skies to enjoy the great views that lay ahead.
-  It was a real quick hike but I enjoyed every second of it and am thrilled to have been able to complete the winter 48!

Pictures: Click here for Image Gallery

 Mount Eisenhower, Monroe, and Washington
from Webster Cliff Trail
 Mount Eisenhower Summit
 Mount Pierce and Willey from
Mount Eisenhower Loop Trail
Mount Pierce and Jackson from
Crawford Path