
Deep in the Pemigewasset Wilderness to Galehead, South Twin, Bond, and Bondcliff

Date of Hike: 8/25/13

Lincoln Woods: 2.9 miles  /  Franocnia Brook Trail: 5.2 miles  /  Twin Brook Trail: 2.8 miles  /  Frost Trail 1.0 miles  /  Twinway: 2.8 miles  /  Bondcliff Trail: 8.7 miles  /  Lincoln Woods Trail: 2.9 miles
Total Miles: 26.3 (4,850 feet elevation gain)

Trip Report:
- One of my favorite places to hike is the Franconia Brook and Lincoln Brook Trail because of the logging history that played a significant role in the first half of the twentieth century in the Pemigewasset Wilderness.  I enjoy walking along the old railroad / logging roads past the abandoned campsites and am fascinated with the old 'artifacts' (rusted buckets, cans, railroad parts) as I hike along the trails.
- Today's hike was sort of a scouting hike for a fall hike I want to do along Redrock Brook to Redrock Pond below the slides of the Twin Range.
- As I hiked along the Franconia Brook Trail I passed by hikers coming out of the 13 Falls Tentsite.  The hike is a long flat one all the way into 13 falls, which is just off the trail and very picturesque.  The falls were running low so I walked up and down the rock slab while soaking in the sun.
- From 13 Falls I headed up the Twin Brook Trail, it's not a very exciting trail but does has some nice Birch Trees along the way.  I ended up at the Galehead Hut and decided to make the short side trip up the Frost Trail to Galehead Mountain's summit.  I had not been there in over a year and needless to say the summit is still a rock pile in the middle of the woods!  Still, there is a nice outlook along the trail where you can view the hut and the Twins looming high above it.
- From the hut I went up the steep and always fun Twinway to the summit of South Twin where I caught some great views before heading over to Guyot, Bond, and Bondcliff where I was able to enjoy more great views along the way.
- After Bondcliff I didn't feel to well, lack of sleep and stress from the previous couple of days and an upset stomach caught up to me so I just put my head down and hiked back to the car without much fanfare.  Still, it was an enjoyable hike back to the car and another great hike in the Pemi Wilderness!

 Lincoln Woods Trailhead parking lot
 Lincoln Woods Suspension Bridge
 Lincoln Woods Trail, notice the crushed gravel, it's for construction equipment
 Lincoln Woods Trail trail work
 Construction on the Lincoln Woods Trail
 More fixing the damage from Hurricane Irene / Tropical Storm Sandy Pants
 Franconia Brook Footbrifge
 Franconia Brook
 Pemigewasset Wilderness Boundary
 Franconia Brook Trail
 Franconia Brook Crossing #1
 Lincoln Woods Trail Junction on the Franconia Brook Trail
 Old railroad corridor on the Franconia Brook Trail
 Beaver Pond along the Franconia Brook Trail
 Nice little pond along the Franconia Brook Trail
Along the Franconia Brook Trail 
 Another crossing on the Franconia Brook Trail
 Beaver meadow and Timmy's Ledge on the Franconia Brook Trail
 Beaver Meadow
 Crossing at the Redrock Brook
 Bottom of 13 Falls
 Middle of 13 Falls
 Gem Pool at the bottom of 13 Falls
 Top of 13 Falls
 Looking up at the top of 13 Falls
 13 Falls Tentsite
 Twin Brook Trail
 Pemi Wilderness Boundary
 Galehead Hut
 Frost Trail Junction on the Twin Brook Trail
 View from the Frost Trail Outlook, Galehead Hut and North Tiwn
 South Twin
 Galehead Hut
 Pemi Wilderness
Scaur Ridge
 Southwest Twin
 Galehead Mountain Summit
 Pemi Wilderness
 Galehead Hut
 Galehead Hut and the Garfield Ridge
Franconia Ridge 
 Mount Lincoln
 Galehead Hut and Mount Garfield
 South Twin Summit
 Guyot and the Bonds
 West Bond
 Garfield to Lafayette, to Lincoln
Owl's Head and the Franconia Ridge
 Owl's Head, Mount Liberty and Flume Mountain
 Relaxing on South Twin
 Zealand Mountain
 Mount Washington
 Twin Range
 West Bond
 Mount Washington
 Hellgate Ravine, Owl's Head, Mount Liberty, and Flume Mountain
 Hellgate Ravine, West Bond, and Mount Bond
 West Bond
 Bondcliff Summit ledge
 Cliffs of Bond
Bondcliff Summit Area 
Mount Carrigain


  1. I did the Pemi Loop on the 23rd. I was hoping to run in to you. Glad to see the Lincoln Woods trail has reopened, I managed to kill my GPS crossing the river on my way back to the parking lot.

    1. Congrats again on your Pemi Loop, Josh! Sorry to hear about your GPS, those river crossings can be unforgiving even when low!
