
Bondcliff / Bond / West Bond

Date of Hike: 8/31/13

Lincoln Woods Trail: 2.9 miles  /  Bondcliff Trail: 7.9 miles  / West Bond Spur: 1.0 miles  /  Bondcliff Trail: 7.9 miles  /  Lincoln Woods Trail 2.9 miles
Miles: 22.8 (4,800 elevation gain)

Trip Report:
- Kelsey invited me to do a Pemi Loop on Saturday with TARC (Trail Animals Running Club).  There were seven of us total as we started to jog down the Lincoln Woods Trail towards the wilderness boundary.  As we reached the Franconia Brook footbridge I looked behind me and noticed the Kelsey and Stephen were nowhere in site.  I told the others to continue on ahead and I would fall back and hike with them.
- As I waited I talked to a hiker who was heading off to do Owl's Head.  We had a nice little chat before he headed on his way.  Kelsey and Stephen finally caught up to me and we decided to just do a hike of the Bonds.
- The hike went well as we made decent time up to Bondcliff, Bond, and West Bond.  We took nice long breaks on each summit and had great views throughout the whole day. 
- On the descent it started to pour out but we still had a lot of fun as it was warm enough out to enjoy the rain.  The weather got better as we reached the wilderness boundary and the sun came out again for a few moments.
- Back at the car we ditched our muddy shoes, grabbed a beer, and jumped into the East Branch of the Pemigewasset River to cool off before heading to the Common Man for dinner.
- It was a fun hike of the Bonds, which on a good day never gets old!
 Lincoln Woods
 Lincoln Woods Suspension Bridge
 East Branch of the Pemi River
 Railroad Junk
 Bondcliff Trail
 Old Bondcliff / Wilderness Trail Junction
Bondcliff Trail 
 Kelsey and Stephen crossing Black Brook
 Trail graffiti by some AHOLE
 Bondcliff Trail
 Short scramble just below Bondcliff
 Kelsey climbing up
 Clouds lifting up from the Pemi Wilderness
 Stephen on Bondcliff
 Looking off towards Carrigain
 Mount Carrigain
 Looking down from Bondcliff
 Bondcliff summit area
 Bondcliff Trail
 Bondcliff Trail
 Whitewall Mountain
 Owl's Head
 Pemi Wilderness
 Red Rock Pond
 Twin Range
 Red Rock Ravine
 Red Rock Pond
 Twin Range Slides
 Mount Garfield
 Lincoln Slide
 West Bond Spur
 West Bond Spur Junction
 Willey Range
 Mount Bond Summit
Summit of Mount Bond 
 Bondcliff Trail
 Kelsey running along the Bondcliff Trail
 West Bond Slide (left)
 West Bond Slide (middle) 
  West Bond Slide (right)
 Owl's Head
 West Bond Slide
 West Bond Slide
 Looking down Bondcliff
 Lincoln Slide
 Mount Liberty and Flume
 On Bondcliff
 Bondcliff summit outcrop
 Bondcliff, Bond, West Bond
 Bondcliff Trail
 Trail Graffiti, AHOLES
 Black Brook
 Kelsey showing off her muddy trail runners
 Bondcliff Trail
 Bondcliff Trail
 Lincoln Woods Trail
 Lincoln Woods Trail
 East Branch
East Branch

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