
Adams, Jefferson, and the Sphinx

 Mount Madison and Star Lake
 Mount Adams Summit
 Thunderstorm Junction
 Gulfside Trail
Gulfside Trail 
 Gulfside Trail
 Gulfside Trail
 Edmands Col
 Mount Adams
 Gulfside Trail
 Mount Adams
 Mount Jefferson's Summit
 Mount Clay, Washington, and Monroe
 Jefferson Loop Trail
 Jefferson Loop Trail
 Monticello Lawn
 Mount Adams rising above Monticello Lawn
 Gulfside Trail
 Gulfside Trail
 Sphinx Col
 Entering the Great Gulf Wilderness, again!
 Sphinx Trail
Sphinx Trail 
 Sphinx Trail
 Sphinx Trail
 Sphinx Trail
 Sphinx Trail
 Sphinx Trail
 Sphinx Trail, notice the blue blaze.  One of only two left on the trail.  No longer to be blazed because it's a Wilderness area.
 Sphinx Trail
 Just below where I bashed my finger!
 Sphinx Trail landslide from Hurricane Irene
 Sphinx Trail
 Sphinx Trail / Great Gulf Jucntion
 The West Branch
 Six Husbands / Great Gulf Junction
Great Gulf Trail 
 Great Gulf Trail
 Clam Rock
 Madison Gulf Trail Junction
 Madison Gulf Trail
 Madison Gulf Trail
 Old Jackson Road
 Old Jackson Road
 Old Jackson Road

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