
Morning Fun in Pinkham Notch / Sugarloaf

Date of Hike:  12/13/14  & 12/14/14

Trails: Crew Cut/Bushwhack: 0.7 miles  /  Liebeskind's Loop Trail: 0.7 miles  /  George's Gorge Loop: 1.1 miles  /  Crew Cut 1.2 miles  /  Road Walk/Thompson Trail: 1.8 miles
Total Miles:  5.5 miles (1,775 feet elevation gained)

Route 302 & Zealand Road: 1.1 miles  /  Sugarloaf Trail: 3.2 miles /  Trestle Trail: 1.3 miles  /  Zealand Road & Route 302: 1.1 miles
Total Miles:  6.7 miles (1,425 feet elevation gained)

- Broke Trail, Whitney is light enough that she was a 'Snow Moses' and walked on top!
- Lost trail below some cliffs on Crew Cut, bushwhacked to the south and up to the west back to the trail.  The blazes are kind of screwy below these cliffs and in the winter can throw a hiker off.
- Nice views of Pinkham Notch and Wildcat Ski area from Lila's Ledge, even better views of Pinkham and the ridge of the Gulf of Slides from Brad's Bluff.
- Thompson Falls is located at Wildcat Ski area, it was a winter wonderland in there, walked the access road back to the jeep.  Lots of skiers and boarders out and about.
- Snowshoes the whole day!
- Zealand Road is a beautiful walk, when you only have to go the Sugarloaf Trailhead!
- Broke out the trails, no views from the top, spotted the trail corridor for the old Sugarloaf 'Baby Twin' Trail below North Sugarloaf
- Hiked the Trestle Trail out through Sugarloaf II campground.  Cool little trail that travels along the river, and crisscrosses the snow mobile trail.  There's a rock that is a spot on match of Clam Rock in the Great Gulf Wilderness that the trail passes by.  The bridge for the water crossing washed out in 2011 but there's an easy rock hop upstream.
- Pics from 12/13 were taken with my iPhone and I used pic stitch to sharpen and auto color, some came out funky, enjoy!

 Route for the day, click here for details
 breaking trail
 Views from the ledges
 Pinkham Notch from Brad's Bluff
 Snow blown wind from Brad's Bluff
 Enjoying the snow!
Thompson Falls

End of the line!
 Route for the day, click here for details
Heading to the Sugarloafs
 Sugarloaf Trail
 Whitney down climbs the ladder steps  /  Split Rock
 Trestle Trail  /  Zealand Trail
Zealand Road

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