
King Ravine to Mount Adams

Date of Hike: 8/9/14

Lowe's Path: 1.8 miles  /  King Ravine Trail:  3.1 miles  /  Airline: 0.6 miles  /  Lowe's Path: 4.7 miles
Total Miles: 10.2 (4,750 feet elevation gained)

Trip Report....In Pictures!

 To access Lowe's Path you park across the street at Lowe's General store.  Remember to go inside and pay to park.
 Howard and Denise at the trailhead and excited.
 The trail to the King Ravine Junction has good footing and moderate grades through a nice evergreen woods.
 Mossy Falls, up until this point the trail has had decent footing.  From here the King Ravine Trail becomes rough and rugged.
 Sean (left), Denise and Howard (right), heading to the floor of the ravine through rugged roots and boulders.
 Marc takes a break at an outlook to take in the views.
 The floor of the Ravine.  It's a huge bowl much like Tuckerman Ravine, except less crowded.
 Denise gets ready to tackle the Subway!
 Howard navigates the first boulder cave.  Sean jumps from boulder to boulder.
 The Subway, it's a lemon squeezer in spots.  Rough, rugged, 100% fun!
 Marc and myself heading through the next fun section, the Ice Caves
 The gang makes their way through the Ice Caves
 Denise makes her way out of the Ice Caves
 After the two detours through the Subway and Ice Caves the real steep ascent up the headwall to the Gateway starts. 1,100 feet in  0.5 miles.
 Looking up to the Gateway (left), and (Crag Camp)
 The Gateway
 Taking a break and taking in the views above us of Durand Ridge
 Denise and the gang heading up the headwall.
 Looking over to the Great Gully Trail and Crag Camp on Nowell Ridge.
 the steep ascent continues to gain the ridge.
 The Gateway.
 Denis, Marc, and Howard make their way up through the Gateway to the Airline Trail on Durand Ridge.
 Denise helps another hiker out with a boo-boo. Mount Madison and Madison Springs Hut.  Ascending the rocky Airline Trail.  Summit of Mount Adams.
 JQ Adams, Star Lake, and Mount Madison.
 Mount Adams summit cone, if you look closely you can see the Parapet Trail.
 Marc and myself on Mount Adams
 Star Lake and Mount Madison
 The Great Gulf and Mount Washignton
 Mount Washington
 Great Gulf Headwall
 Choo Choo.  the lil' bump in front of the Cog is actually Mount Monroe!
 Zoom in of the ladder and overhanging ledge on the Six Husbands Trail.  Picture taken from Mount Adams summit.
 Thunderstorm Junction!
 Looking back up to Mount Adams, and looking way down below to Lowe's General Store.
 Descending Lowe's Path below treeline to the Log Cabin.
 The old Boston to Maine Rail Road grade
 The end of the hike
The route for the day, click here for more details


  1. i really like your trip reports and photos. King Ravine is on my bucket list. looks like you guys had perfect weather.

    1. Thanks, Anonymous! King Ravine is one of my favorites and I look forward to trying to get into it each year. Hope you are able to hike through it soon and have a blast! :)
