
Grand Canyon: Horseshoe Mesa

Date of Hike: 5/17/14

Grandview Trail: 9.5 miles (2,750 feet elevation gained)

Trip Report:
- I wanted to head back into the canyon on Sunday and do something short and new before taking a day off to rest up for my rim to rim to rim hike on Tuesday.  I decided to head to Grandview Point and drop down to Horseshoe Mesa and check out the views into Granite Gorge.
- Unlike the South Kaibab, Bright Angel, and North Kaibab Trail the Grandview Trail is a little rougher and steeper near the rim.  The trail is also very narrow in a couple of spots with some big drop offs.  After the first mile the footing becomes much better and the grades ease up and it becomes more or less the same as the popular trails.
- I ran into very few hikers throughout my hike, maybe a dozen.  It was a welcome change from the previous two days.  I only brought two liters of water so I couldn't spend the whole day roaming around the inner canyon.  Along the way I saw some old trail junk, an entrance to an old mine, radon warning signs, and the old Horseshoe Mesa building.
- I eventually made my way out to Horseshoe Mesa Point where there were incredible views down to Granite Gorge and across to Newberry Butte.  I took my time throughout the whole hike, the temps probably topped out around ninety degrees but it was very windy making for an enjoyable experience.  The heat out here doesn't bother me, ninety, no humidity, no mosquitos, I'll sign up for that any day back home in the summer!
- On the way back from the point I bushwhacked (more like shrub-whacked) around the Horseshoe Mesa Butte.   It was pretty cool going off trail, although there was a pretty defined herd path I was on for most of it.
- The old Horseshoe Mesa building is a pretty cool structure, there is no roof left but it will stand forever.  There are old cans everywhere in this area and just up the trail where the old mine is.  Lots of rusted scrap metal around, too.  There were 'Stay Out, High Radon' signs in two places.  Unfortunately I went off trail and came back on trail where one of the signs were, oops!
- The hike back up in the mid day sun was not too bad either, I made good time and I really enjoyed my short day out dropping down a few thousand feet into the canyon. 

Grandview Trailhead Kiosk
Descending the Grandview Trail
Narrow trail in spots
Footing is a little rougher but still very good compared to the Whites
Dropping down from the canyon's rim
Follow the yellow brick road!
A nice mini cactus on the side of the trail
Return of the red clay hiking
This little guy was getting some rays
Grandview Canyon
This wall shows the different levels of color as it drops
Another look back up to the rim
Horseshoe Mesa
Horseshoe Mesa and across the canyon
Stay Out!
Horseshoe Mesa
Inside the remnants of the building
Horseshoe Mesa
Old fireplace
Where I came down from
The Grandview Trail become level at Horseshoe Mesa
Big views down from Horseshoe Mesa
Nature's Trail Marker!
The Grand Canyon, looking east
Granite Gorge
Views from Horseshoe Mesa Plateau
The South Rim
On Horseshoe Mesa Point
Taking in the views!
Old herd path along the point
Colorado River
Granite Gorge
Horseshoe Mesa
Bushwhacking is pretty easy at Horseshoe Mesa
Split Rock!
Horseshoe Mesa
Grandview Point
Cottonwood Creek
Old minor's junk!
Heading back up the Grandview Trail
The trail travels along the bottom of this butte
Grandview Point Slide
Grandview Point
Grandview Point
Looks like a cobblestone trail!
Horseshoe Mesa Plateau Point
Horseshoe Mesa and its point
Looking back down into the canyon
Horseshoe Mesa
The Grand Canyon!
Grandview Canyon
The trail traveled through the middle lower section of this butte
Narrow section of the trail!
Little spooky with the narrow and rough footing!
Where I came up from.  The trail goes around the butte at the bottom then across the next one
Route for the day, click here for details

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