
Mount Cardigan

Date of Hike: 2/16/14
Holt Trail  /  Holt-Clark Cutoff  /  Clark Trail: 5.0 miles
Trip Report:
- Sunday was a blue bird day in Southern New Hampshire so I decided to head to Mount Cardigan.  I was looking to do something short and easy and I had never hiked Mount Cardigan so I was looking forward to it.
-  The trails I took were well broken out and flooded with cross-county skiers on the bottom half and back country skiers on the upper half.  There were only a handful of other hikers out and we were outnumbered by skiers three to one. 
- Mount Cardigan instantly became a favorite mountain for me, it was a gentle hike up with incredible views in all directions from the bald summit.  There is a tower at the top of the mountain which was blasted in rime ice and snow.  I wasn't able to spend much time at the top due to the constant 30 mph winds. 
-  I'm really looking forward to heading back in the summer and doing 'hill repeats' up it, starting with the Holt Trail!

 Holt Trail Junction

 Ski slopes off in the distance

 Perfect skiing conditions

 Hikers struggling up the summit cone

 Looking towards the Firescrew

Mount Cardigan observation tower 

 Nice big cairns to lead the way

 Lil' cabin

 A.M.C. Cardigan Lodge

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