
Thunderstorm and Hail on Mount Garfield

Date of Hike: 6/2/13

Garfield & Garfield Ridge Trail: 10.0 miles (3,000 feet)

Trip Report:
- On Sunday I met Bob & Geri, and Dusty for a quick hike up Mount Garfield.  
- I was surprised to see how muddy the trail was after 4 days of hot, dry weather.  The small water crossings were a lot of fun for the Dusty.
- As we hiked up we could here thunder off in the distance and after a few rumbles Dusty decided it was enough as he just sat down and wanted to go home!  So B&G&D headed back as I continued on. 
- When I hit Garfield Ridge Trail the weather changed in one second and it started down pouring.  I would expect no less from my old nemesis. I banged a right and continued toward the summit as the heavens opened up but I decided to turn back and quickly head down to avoid being stuck in thunder and lightening.
- no pics as it was too wet and humid!


  1. I love following along on the adventures you and Alton and now Cole go on. You guys have a special connection going on, don't ever lose it!

    1. Thanks Lauren. Every hike has a moment or two I'll never forget!
