
Hope Springs Eternal

Date of Hike: 4/21/13

Old Bridle Path: 2.9 miles  /  Greenleaf Trail: 1.1 miles  /  Franconia Ridge Trail 1.7 miles  /  Falling Waters Trail: 3.2 miles
Total Miles: 8.9 (3,900 elevation gain)

Trip Report:
- Every April as the temperatures start to warm and the snow slowly starts to melt I head up and do a quick 'Classic' Franconia Ridge Loop hike.  Conditions are a little whacky in the spring and you still need to bring along the snowshoes as there is lots of snow higher up in the woods where the sun doesn't penetrate.  Luckily on Sunday we only needed to use our microspikes and had a fun hike with killer views!
- We decided to start late since the weather was improving as the day went on. Along the way we passed a bunch of hikers and saw lots of dogs running around in the snow as we made our way up to Greenleaf Hut.  The trail to Greenleaf hut only has one steep section, a short hundred foot burst but other than that is has moderate grades with a few incredible outlooks along the way.
- The Greenleaf Hut is getting a new roof so it was cool to see the progress that has been made and we took a break before hooking onto the Greenleaf Trail.  From the hut to the Mount Lafayette's summit is 1.1 miles and is almost all above treeline exposed to the elements.  The trail becomes a little rougher but still is never too steep.  I went ahead of Alton and Kelsey so I could take a bunch of pictures of Franconia Notch and the Kinsman Ridge.  I made it to the summit pretty quickly and found a spot to hide from the wind as it was pretty cold up above 5,000 feet.
- Next we headed south along the Franconia Ridge Trail and views were phenomenal as they always are between Mount Lafayette and Little Haystack.  It's 1.7 miles of above treeline hiking along one of the most beautiful sections of ridge hiking in the northeast.  We ran into more and more hikers and more and more dogs.  It must have been dog day on the ridge today as they seemed to come from every direction!
- Between Lafayette and Little Haystack you hike over Mount Truman, a sub peak between Lafayette and Lincoln.  Mount Lincoln is another official 4,000 foot mountain and it's above 5,000 feet.  The wind had started to die down around Lincoln but it was still cold enough that we booked it down from the summit and headed to the 'Gargoyles', which is a gothic looking knifes edge off to the side of the trail.  We took a nice long break here and took in the views before heading over to Little Haystack.
- Once we reached Little Haystack we headed down the Falling Waters Trail.  The upper section of the Falling Waters Trail is steep followed by switchbacks, it's 1.5 miles or so of in the woods hiking with nothing too exciting.  However, the rest of the trail is fun and beautiful as the trail descends and snakes around Cloudland Falls, Swifwater Falls, and Stairs Falls.  Cloudland Falls is the highest falls and the most spectacular.
- We took a bunch of pictures at Cloudland Falls and relaxed before we enjoyed the rest of the hike back to the cars.  The weather ended up being perfect for one of the best loop hikes in the White Mountains!

 Old Bridle Path
 Dogs on Old Bridle Path!
 Old Bridle Path
 Old Bridle Path Outlook (Mount Lincoln in the background)
 Shining Rock
Spring hiking = knee high socks!
 Mount Lincoln
 Alton meets a new friend
 Lonesome Lake and North and South Kinsman
 Greenleaf Hut and Mount Lafayette
 Greenleaf Hut
 Eagle Lake and Mount Lafayette
 Greenleaf Hut
 Greenleaf Trail
 Mount Moosilauke
 Fracnonia Ridge
 Cannon Mountain
 Cannon Mountain Ski Area
 Cannon Mountain
 Greenleaf Trail
 North Lafayette
 Frosted Cairn on the Greenleaf Trail
 Mount Lafayette Summit
 Mount Garfield
 The Twin Range
 Mount Washington
 South Twin and Mount Washington
 Presidential Range
 Franconia Ridge
 The Bonds
 South Twin
 Alton on the Franconia Ridge Trail
 Dogs on Lafayette!
 Alton makes another new buddy
 and another!
 Classic Franconia Ridge shot
 Mount Lafayette
 Mount Lincoln
 Owlie - Owl's Head
 Cliffs of Bond
 South Twin and the Presidential Range
 Mount Washsington and Monroe
Lonesome Lake with North and South Kinsman 
 Last pitch to the summit of Mount Lincoln
Mount Lincoln's Summit 
 Greenleaf Hut
 Little Haystack, Liberty and Flume Mountains
 Cannon Mountain
 The Bonds
 Twinway with the Presidential Range
 Mount Lincoln
 Relaxing by the Gargoyles
 Relaxing by the Gargoyles
 Alton and Kelsey with the Pemi Wilderness behind them
 Greenleaf Trail
 Cannon Mountain, North and South Kinsmans
 Cannon Mountain and ski area
 Cannon Mountain
 Lonesome Lake with North and South Kinsman
Falling Waters / Franconia Ridge Trail Junction 
 Falling Waters Trail
 small falls above Cloudland Falls

 Kelsey running down the Falling Waters Trail
 Cloudland Falls
 Alton at Cloudland Falls
 Cloudland Falls
 Kelsey enjoying the falls
Stairs Falls
 Kelsey jumping across the Dry Brook


  1. First off, I love the new look to your blog! Looks refreshing! Second, awesome pictures, you guys have so much fun.

    1. Thanks 4-Eva!!! ;)

      I like the new look too. The old one was nice but it became to standard looking.

  2. It was a beautiful blue-sky day on Sunday! I hiked to Lonesome Lake and one of the Cannonballs that day and was thinking about the great views you hikers must have had over on the Franconia Ridge. Fantastic photos!!
    Here's some pics lookin' back at ya!

    1. Hi Don, I like your pictures, especially the first one of the Franconia Ridge from Lonesome Lake. Also I like the bent tree on the Lonesome Lake Trail! Glad you had a great hike as well!


  3. Chris, Awesome photos! Looks like you a had an awesome day and lots of fun. Heading up to the ridge this weekend - its looking real thin up on top.

    1. Thanks Dana, glad you like the photos! Have a blast up there this weekend, the weather looks phenomenal!!
