
Zealand - Twins Traverse

Date of Hike: 12/7/12
Zeland Trail: 2.5 miles
Twinway: 3.1 miles
Zeland Spur: 0.2 miles
Twinway: 3.3 miles
North Twin Spur: 1.3 miles
North Twin Trail: 4.3 miles 
Total Miles 14.7
3,900 feet elevation gain
 Zealand Trailhead
 Zealand Meadows
 Picturesque Zealand Trail
 New footbridge!
 Zealand Beaver Pond
 Zealand Pond
 Zealand and Carrigain Notch
 View from Zealand Falls Hut
 Zealand Falls Hut
 The Twinway
 Approaching Zeacliff on the Twinway
 Whitewall Mountain
 Presidential Range as seen from Zeacliff
Carrigain Notch 
 Zealand Notch and Whitewall Mountain
 Ladder steps on the Twinway, in the past there's usually a rung missing!
 Mount Hale
 Zealand Spur Junction
 Zealand Mountain Summit
 Mount Guyot summit flats
 Mount Guyot
 Pemigewasset Wilderness
 Mount Lincoln and Lafayette
 Twinway below the northeast summit of Mount Guyot
 Mount Garfield above the shoulder of Southwest Twin
 The Twin Range
 Bog bridges on the Twinway
 Jack approaching South Twin's summit
 Mount Garfield, Lafayette, and Lincoln
 North Twin
 The Sugarloafs
 Mount Hale
 North Twin Trail
 Third crossing of the Little River
This tree (the Geri tree) leads to a secret passage!! 
North Twin Trail 

 North Twin Trailhead


  1. Great trip report and photos as always! I'm hoping a couple of the roads are still open as the Winter season opens :)

    1. Thanks Scott, it would be so great if some of the roads stayed open until New Years!

  2. Cris,
    Loved the pictures, some are petty comical. Do they make micro-spikes for dogs, it looks like jack could have used them.
    It's nice seeing areas I've been in but in a differant season. I was planning on hiking Cabot that day but was leary of the forecast so went on the day before. Looks like I could have stuck with my original scedule. PS thanks for the advice on doing Cabot before the York Town Rd got too bad. -- Marvin

    1. Hey Marvin, way to bag Cabot, the Bulge, and the Horn, Glad you had a great hike and don't have to deal with that road when it's snowy! Jack could have definitely used puppy microspikes for a few spots but at the end of the day he still has more energy than all of us combined!

      Happy Hiking!
