
The Tripyramids

Date of Hike: 10/27/12
Livermore Trail: 3.6 miles
Mount Tripyramid Tral: 4.9 miles
Livermore Trail: 2.6 miles
Total Miles: 11.1 miles
3,000 feet elevation gain

 Livermore Trailhead
 Hiking along the Livermore Trail
 All the leaves are down on the Livermore Trail
 The Livermore Trail
 Soft footing on the Livermore Trail
Hurricane Irene erosion 
 Washed out Livermore Trail
 Hurricane Irene devastation
 Avalanche Camp
 Moun Tripyramid Trail North Slide Junction
 Mount Tripyramid Trail
 Heading to the North Slide
Bottom of the North Slide 
 Mount Tripyramid Trail
 Looking up the narrow bottom of the slide
 A short steep crack in the trail
 Looking down the short steep crack
 Osceolas and Tecumseh Mountains
 Kelsey makes it back to the trail
 Looking up the North Slide
 North Slide of Tripyramid
 Mount Tecumseh and Waterville Valley
 The North Slide of Mount Tripyramid
 Top of South Slide
 Looking down the South Slide
 Mount Tripyramid Trail
 Sandwich Range Boundary
 Mount Tripyramid South Slide Junction
 Dogs on Livermore Trail
 Friendly dog!
 Livermore Trail
 Livermore Trail info
Livermore Parking area and Mount Tecumseh


  1. What a great report and photos, looks like everyone had a tremendous amount of fun!

    1. Thanks Scott, I was telling Kelsey and Alton how you and Chris went down the North slide as it was getting dark with ice, they couldn;t imagine how tough and scary that would have been!

  2. Wow, I've never seen such fear-inspiring pictures of the North Slide before. Looks like it would be absolutely terrifying in winter!

    1. Hey Owen,

      yeah that slide in the winter must be crazy, I think it would be fun though!!

  3. Really good pictures of the North Slide - I did a tripyramid loo a few weeks ago going up the South slide but bypassing the north slide when it started to rain, coming down the Scaur trail instead. Glad I did!

    1. Hi Philip, glad you like the pictures, thanks! We ran into another group heading the opposite way and they did the same hike as you and were relieved not to have descended the Nroth Slide.

  4. Great write-up Chris it made laugh lol...crazaaaay! Hey you guys are just as crazy!! Thanks for the moral support, really felt like rock climbing with-out a rope at one point lol..I had a blast with you guys as always :) .... Great pics too ! Till next time! :)

    1. Thanks Kelsey! It was great having you along on the hike and can't wait for our next one which will be in the snow!!!!
