
Good Friday - Good Hiking

Date of Hike: 4/6/12

Mount Tecumseh Trail: 5.0 miles
Webster-Jackson Trail: 5.2 miles
Flume Gorge / Bushwhacks: 1.8 miles
Total Miles: 12.0 (4,750 elevation gain)

Trip Report:
- Good Friday I spent hiking before work, during my lunch break, and after work.
I left RI at 4:30am and headed north for an easy hike up Mount Tecumseh.  On trail at 7am, summit 8am, finished 8:45, laptop working it by 9:15am!  Temps were around 30, with a very light snow falling,  sub-par views but not clouded in, and some howling wind higher up.
- The trail was a mix of bare ground, rocks, ice, and old packed down snow with ice underneath, nothing to exciting about the hike except I took the Sosman Trail out to the ski slopes, and hiked the ski trails before heading back over to the trail where the outlook is.
- Back at the car I took a little break and headed over to Lincoln where I worked until my lunch break and the headed up Mount Jackson for some views.
- There was more snow and ice on Jackson than Tecumseh but still I managed it without having to put any traction on.  The best part of Hiking Mount Jackson is the final half mile where you get a glimpse of the summit ledges and then make your wat to and up them.
- On the summit I talked to a group of three hikers backpacking the Presidential Range, they were hoping to make it to Eisenhower or Lakes of the Clouds  before setting up camp, then tackle Mount Washington and Clay tomorrow hopefully camping in the Sphinx Col before finishing the northern presi's on Sunday.
- After taking a bunch of pics I quickly descended and worked from the Highland Center until 5pm and headed over to check out the Flume Gorge and Pool.
- It's a touristy thing but closed until May so I had the whole place to myself, it's pretty remarkable scenary on there as you walk through a well maintained foot path over a 1.5 mile loop.
- The highlights is the Flume and Liberty Gorge and the Pool, the Pool was most impressive!

Pictures: Click here for all pictures

 Tripyramids from Waterville Valley
Webster-Jackson Trail 
 Willey, Field, and Tom from Mount Jackson
 Southern Presidential Range
 Flume Gorge
 Liberty Gorge
 The Pool
 The Pool and Sentenial Bridge
Mount Liberty, Flume, and Whaleback (left to right)

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