
North Twin, South Twin, & Galehead Mountain

Date of Hike: 2/4/12

Herd Path / North Twin / North Twin Spur / Twinway / Frost / Garfield Ridge / Gale River / Gale River Road: 16.0 miles (4,500 elevation gain)
Click here for trail descriptions

Trip Report:
- Sunday morning was another hike with the big group (Bob&Geri, Randy, Kat, Alton, Mike, Gina, Melissa, and Justin) as well as a few dogs (Quinn, Dusty, Tuckerman, Carter, and Toby)
- I was psyched because I had never hiked to the North Twin Trail from the end of Little River Road and I finally got to see the lavish resort called The Seven Dwarfs Motel!
- The weather was cloudy and it was snowing making for a nice hike as we all hiked along the herd path along an old logging road that drops you out at the bridge next to the North Twin trailhead. 
- At this point another group of five joined in (with Toby the dog) and we all hiked together until the final hike off of Galehead Mountain.
- The dogs were all running in front of me in the trail, off the trail, then they'd come zooming back by me and the other. 
- I lead us onto the herd path that bypasses the first two water crossings.  Unfortunately the path that I took was a little to dicey for Randy to safely navigate through so we dropped down and hiked along the river bank until back on the herd path's original route, which is a little different in a spot here and there after Hurricane Irene but mostly the same.
- The hike up to North Twin felt long but even with over a dozen hikers we kept a decent pace and made good time over to North and South Twin. 
- The group spilt up heading down the Twinway.  I stayed towards the back stopping every once in awhile to take picture of Geri, Quinn, and Justin guiding Randy down the steep Twinway.
- I was getting pretty cold so once past the steep section I speeded up and caught up to the others just as they were heading up Galehead. 
- The Summit of Galehead, what can you say, it's still boring after all these years but at least this time there were a bunch of other hikers and dogs making it enjoyable to take a break.
- The other hikers that joined in and Toby the dog parted ways at this point as they all speeded down the mountain.
- Back at Galehead Hut the weather broke and blue skies, sun, and South Twin were now in view.  South Twin Looms large when laying in the snow at the hut.
- After a long break we headed back down.  The re-route along the Gale River Trail is a pain, it has a "PUD" or two and without the river crossings anymore the trail is about as boring as the Valley Way!
- We took another break at the trailhead before the road walk back to the car on Gale River Road which ended up being a lot of fun.
- It was peak number 27, 28, 29 for Randy and his guide dog Quinn as they persue hiking the winter 48- 4,000 footer in one single winter!

Click here for all pictures

 Snowing at Trudeau Road parking area
 Hiking along the Herd Path
 This is Toby, he likes to run, run, and run some more!
 Randy, Quinn the guide dog and Kat hiking along the North Twin Trail
 Crossing the Little River
 South Twin Summit
Galehead Hut and South Twin Mountain


  1. The last picture looks beautiful -- with the blue skies finally breaking through.

  2. These are awesome pics. You had a great day. I love the Seven Dwarves motel. They have a store and kitchen which is open sometimes. If you get a chance ever, walk around back and loo at some of the construction they're doing to the outer buildings.

  3. I hiked Mt. Hale that same day (via FWT) and must have just missed your group. I got to the end of Little River Road around the same time as that second group (with Toby the dog) and they took off fast up the trail. I saw lots of paw prints in the snow and thought it may have been coyotes, but I suppose 5 dogs would explain it. Looks like you had a great trip, nice report and photos. Thanks for breaking out the herd path and N. Twin Trails for me!

  4. Glad you guys like the pics and trip report. Hey Kris, I love the FWT, it is one of my favorites!
