
No Views from North and South Kinsman

Date of Hike: 1/8/12

Lonesome Lake Trail: 1.6 miles
Fishin' Jimmy Trail: 2.0 miles
Kinsman Ridge Trail: 2.8 miles
Fishin' Jimmy Trail: 2.0 miles
Lonesome Lake Trail: 1.6 miles
Total Miles: 10.0 miles (elevation gain 3,800 feet)
Click here for trail descriptions

Trip Report:
- Sundays forecast called for snow showers under sunny skies with wind chill values in the negatives above 3,500 feet.  There were flurries all morning, but no sun, no wind, and temps held in the mid teens to low twenty's making for an easy hike to the Kinsmans.
- My pace was slow as I was tired from yesterday's Owl's Head hike and I was hoping by taking it slow the skies would clear off for some good pictures across to Franconia Ridge, unfortunately views were socked in all during the hike.
- The snowshoes finally got some use as I used them on the Kinsman Ridge Trail but they weren't necessary, the other half dozen people I ran into were either bare-booting or using light traction (microspikes, yax-trax, or stabilizers).
- Eventhough there were no views the lightly falling snow, snow blanketed evergreens, and cloud cover made for a winter wonderland experience.
- This wasn't a thrilling hike but it sure does beat hours of training at the gym on a Sunday morning back in RI!

Pictures: Click here for all Pictures

 Lonesome Lake Hut
 Kinsman Ridge Trail at the North Kinsman Summit
 South Kinsman Summit
Hiker approaching the South Kinsman Summit

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