
Mount Carrigain

Date of Hike: 7/24/11

Signal Ridge Trail: 5.0 miles
Desolation Trail: 1.9 miles
Carrigain Notch Trail: 4.9 miles
Signal Ridge Trail: 1.7 miles
Total Miles: 13.5 (3,750 elevation gain)

Trip Report:
- On Sunday I was invited to hike along with Scott and Chris as they completed their 48 - 4,000 footers. Click here for their trip report.  Also joining in on the hike was Bill Marcotte (Grid Finisher), Erik, and also finishing their 48 was Heather and her dog Kali.
- I met them all at the trailhead and on the way while driving I saw two moose crossing Route 16 a half mile north of Pinkham Notch Visitor's Center and a beer wondering along the Crawford Notch Scenic Railway at the eastern end of Route 302!
- The hot weather and humidity from the day before was long gone as temps were very comfortable with some pretty good wind gusts on Signal Ridge and on top of the observation tower from the summit. I actually had a long sleeve shirt on for a few minutes, what a difference a day makes!
- While taking a break on the Signal Ridge we all noticed a big gash across the way below Mount Lowell to the right of the slides and cliffs.  This cravese looks like it could be the White Mountain's equivalent of the Adirondack's "Trap Dike" click here for pic.
- Views were great as the haze from the day before was almost all gone and you could see around 40 of the 48 - 4,000 footers from the summit.  Scott, Chris, Heather, and Kali the hiking dog picked a great day to finish!
- From the top of the summit Scott, Chris, Bill and myself headed down the Desolation Trail which loses elevation quickly before joining in with an old logging road as it heads down to the Carrigain notch trail.  Bill spotted an old telephone wire that followed along on the ground on the right edge of the trail.
- Once on the Carrigain Notch Trail grades were flat with an easy up and down reaching the height of land in the Carrigain Notch.  The hiking is very secluded back there, some sections are beautiful, others are kind of boring but following along the old railroad bead from the days of early twentieth century is pretty unique.  There was one 0.1 mile stretch of trail bed I've never experienced before - pebble stones - exactly like the ones in fish tanks!
- It was a great hike out over two trails I've never been on, we tried to peak through the trees to find that "Trap Dike" at times and had some constructed views, it looks vertical deep in there.  Also I tried to find the herd path or the rock signaling for the Vose Spur turnoff but to no avail, although I didn't look to hard.
-  Once back on the Signal Ridge Trail we booked it back to the trailhead.  Mount Carrigain is a great mountain with some of the best views and today was no exception.
- Congrats to Scott, Chris, Heather and Kali the hiking dog on a great accomplishment!

The Osceola's - East Peak, Osceola, Osceola III, and West Peak (left to right)
Mount Washington in the distance
Wave of Clouds high above the White Mountains
Pemigewasset Wilderness
The Bonds - Bondcliff, West Bond, Bond (left to right) with Mount Garfield way in the back

Scott and Chris congratulate each other on the Summit of Mount Carrigain for their 48 - 4,000 finish


  1. I'm hoping to climb Carrigain with a group for Flags of the 48. I've heard it's a wonderful peak for views. Great pics. I love the cloud waves and the views into the Pemi.

    Congrats on those who finished up the 48's! Such an incredible accomplishment! I hope to join them one day in those ranks.

    Thanks for a great report, Chris.

  2. Wonderful pics and great trip report!

    Congrats to those who finished...Living in Florida I find it amazing to all those who get to hike mountains and think it's out of this world! =)

    Keep up the good work super-hiker!

  3. Great trip and congrats to the finishers! I finished my 48 the day before (7/23/11) on Carrigain, too. Trip report here:

  4. Congratulations Summerset on your accomplishment! Chris, thank you for joining us for this trip and look forward to a couple of the hikes that we mentioned along the way.

  5. Congrats to your finish Summerset, Look foward to reading your reports as your son hikes the 48!

    Thanks again for inviting me to come along Scott. Look foward to hiking those slide trails with you guys in the future!


  6. Thanks all! Chris, you're just about at legend status with my son. You tackle some big, interesting hikes with style and manage to take great photos, too.
