
Semi-Pemi Loop (Garfield / Lafayette / Lincoln / Liberty / Flume)

Memorial Day Weekend ~ Click below to view trip report
Elevation Gain

Date of Hike: 5/30/11

Lincoln Woods Trail:1.4 miles
Osseo Trail: 1.0 miles
Lincon Woods Trail: 1.5 miles
Franconia Brook Trail: 7.4 miles
Garfield Ridge Trail: 4.4 miles
Franconia Ridge Trail: 5.0 miles
Osseo Trail: 4.1 miles
Lincoln woods Trail: 1.4 miles
Total Miles: 26.2 miles (6,600 elevation gain)

Trip Report:
- Heading into Monday I had no idea what to hike because I was getting conflicting weather reports.  So I decided to head up to Flume and if the weather cleared up by the time I got up there I'd keep on hiking, if not I'd go the end of the day I had done a killer hike I never thought of doing!
- On trail 5:45am, turned around on Osseo Trail 6:30am, Garfield 10:15am, Lafayette 12:05pm, Lincoln, 12:35pm, Liberty 1:55pm, Flume 3:35pm, finished 5pm.  Temps in the 60's and 60's wind gusts above 25 mph near Lafayette, skies cleared off by 10:30, hazy but very good views.
- The hike up to the Osseo Trail on Lincoln Woods was the same as it ever was...kind of boring.  As I started up the Osseo Trail I kept looking up and everything was blanketed in thick clouds and I was not feeling "it." A few hundred feet and about a half mile up the Osseo Trail I stopped and said "This friggan sucks" and turned around and decided to just go wander around the Pemi for a few hours which somehow turned into half a Pemi-Loop!
- I had never been on the Franconia Brook Trail past the Lincoln Brook Trail junction so I headed there to explore around and maybe try to check out any remnants of the old logging roads form the early twentieth century.
- As I was hiking I could see the sun trying to break through so I just kept on walking towards Thirteen Fall Tentsite and then past the tentsite up the Franconia Brook Trail which is more like a stream at this point than a trail all the way up to the Garfield Ridge.
- I turned left and knew at this point I'd be doing half a loop an was rewarded with the clouds clearing off as soon as I got to Garfield and stayed out of the clouds the remainder of the day.
- The hike along the Garfield Ridge was rugged as always but was great popping above treeline about a miles from Lafayette's summit and the beginning of the Franconia Ridge.
- As usual with such great weather the Franconia Ridge between Lafayette and Little Haystack was busy with all kind of hikers.
- However once past the Falling Waters Trail junction on Little Haystack I was back hiking in solitude all the way until Liberty Springs Trail junction.
- There were a few hikers between Liberty and Flume but once heading down the Osseo Trail I was by myself all the way out to Lincoln Woods.
- I was exhausted after hiking so many miles over three days but was thrilled that I hiked on Sunday instead of going home or I would have missed the kick A$$ views from the Franconia Ridge

 Beaver Pond off the Franconia Brook Trail
 Franconia Brook Trail
 Owl's Head from Mount Garfield
 Classic Franconia Ridge Pic
 Mount Lincoln
 Kinsmans and Cannon Mountain
 Pemigewasset Wilderness
 The Bonds
Franconia Ridge from Flume Mountain


  1. Looks like a great weekend! Glad to see you got some views in on Sunday. I did Lafayette and the Franconia Ridge on Sunday but the fog was so thick you couldn't see more than 30ft in front of you! Great shots of the surrounding ranges too!!

  2. Kinsmans, Cannon, Moriah, Carters, Wildcats, Garfield, Lafayette, Lincoln, Liberty, Flume!

    Gheez! I'd say you had a very memorable Memorial Day weekend!

