
Mount Cabot (#32)

Date of Hike: 1/2/10

Bunnell Notch Trail: 3.0 miles
Kilkenny Ridge Trail: 3.6 miles
Bunnell Notch Trail: 3.0 miles
Total Miles: 9.6 (3,000 elevation gain)
Click here for Trail descriptions

Trip Report:
- With sub-par weather and no views in the forecast I figured it was time to knock off one of my least favorite mountains...Mount Cabot
- On trail at 9:40am, Mount Cabot summit 12:15pm, finished 2pm. Temps in the high 30's to mid 40's, no wind, no good views.
- The highlight of the whole day was the ice covered untreated York Pond Road past the fish hatchery. I came across a sedan that could not turn around on the ice so I got out of my car and helped push it until it was able to grip the road and get out of trouble.
- As for the hike itself it was very uneventful, Bunnell Notch Trail is boring and has moderate grades so it takes forever. Once on the Kilkenny Ridge Trail things get steeper until it reaches Cabot Cabin so the hike goes more quickly eventhough it's harder. Once at the wooded summit I turned right around and started booking it off Mount Cabot-Patch.
- On the descent I ran into a bunch of hikers ascending, one of which (Bob) decided to turn around and hike with me for about 20 minutes or so as we talked about the White Mountains.
- Back at the car I packed my stuff up and navigated safely back out over the icy York Pond Road.

Bunnell Notch Trail
 Mount Cabot Summit
 Cabot Cabin
 Trailhead on York Pond Road


  1. I've never hiked Cabot but you describe the reputation I've heard many times. At least you were able to get out and spend the day in the woods!


  2. Hey Karl,

    Cabot lacks good views but the reason why I don't look foward to hiking it is becasue the lower section of the most direct route (Mount Cabot Trail) has been closed down by local landowners since 2000 meaning you have to drive almost another hour north to reach the most used trail now which also adds about 2 more miles of hiking...but the Cabot Cabin is pretty nifty looking!
