
2010 Year in Hiking Review!

2010 was a great year for hiking for me.  I started winter hiking and was able to knock off 24 of the 48 - 4,000 footers in New Hampshire.  I adopted the Sphinx Trail and was able to clear back the trail above treeline hopefully making it more enjoyable for hikers.  I also was able to do most of the hikes I was looking forward to such as a Pemi Loop, full Presidential Traverse, a Franconia Notch Loop, hiking the abandoned Adams Slide Trail, Devil's Path (Catskills) and hike trails I've never been on like the Six Husbands, King Ravine, Great Gully, Davis Path, Madison Gulf, etc etc.  I did however come up short of hiking 1,000 miles in the mountains this year, although it's kind of difficult having to drive from RI and gas prices are ridiculously high so I may never be able to achieve this but that's ok.

For 2011 I have set some goals which are the following
1. Finish the Winter 48 - 4,000 footers
2. Hike the Adirondack 46'ers
3. 24 hour hut to hut Traverse
4. Mahoosuc Notch Traverse
- Along with the usual Pemi Loop and full Presi Traverse and maybe a few other killer day hikes!

2010 Stats:
- 728.1 miles hiked
- 120 - 4,000 Official 4,000 foot summits hiked
- 244,950 elevation gained

Tom, Field, Willey: 9.8 miles (3,500 elevation gain)
North Tripyramid, Middle Tripyramid: 9.6 miles (3,450 elevation gain)
Tecumseh: 5 miles (2,400 elevation gain)
Washington, Monroe: 8.4 miles (4,100 elevation gain)
8 Peaks, 32.8 miles (13,450 elevation gain)

Bondcliff, Bond, West Bond: 22.8 miles (4,700 elevation gain)
S. Carter, M. Carter, Cater Dome, Wildcat "A", Wildcat "D": 15.8 miles (6,200 elevation gain)
8 Peaks, 38.6 miles (10,900 elevation gain)

E. Osceola, Osceola: 7.5 miles (3,300 elevation gain)
Madison, Adams, Jefferson: 15.5 miles (6,500 elevation gain)
5 Peaks, 23 miles (9,800 elevation gain)

Lincoln, Lafayette: 9.0 miles (4,200 elevation gain)
Pierce, Eisenhower, Monroe, Washington: 13.0 miles (5,650 elevation gain)
6 peaks, 22 miles (9,850 elevation gain)

Zealand, Hale: 21.5 miles (4,300 elevation gain)
Washington: 11.3 miles (5,100 elevation gain)
Galehead, South Twin, North Twin: 14.4 miles (4,400 elevation gain)
Devil's Path "East" (Catskills): 26.2 miles (9,100 elevation gain)
Pemi Loop: 32.5 miles (9,500 elevation gain)
Jefferson, Adams, Madison: 16 miles (6,050 elevation gain)
18 Peaks, 121.9 miles (38,450 elevation gain)

Jefferson, Washington, Monroe: 13.8 miles (5,200 elevation gain)
Eisenhower, Pierce, Jackson: 18.7 miles (4,650 elevation gain)
Full Presidential Traverse (North to South): 23 miles (9,100 elevation gain)
Flume, Liberty, Lincoln, Lafayette, Cannon, N. Kinsman, S. Kinsman: 28.1 miles (9,900 elevation gain)
21 peaks, 83.6 miles (28,850 elevation gain)

Devil's Path "West" (Catskills): 23.8 miles (6,150 elevation gain)
Adams: 11.8 miles (5,000 elevation gain)
Washington: 14.8 miles (7,000 elevation gain)
2 Peaks, 50.4 miles (18,150 elevation gain)

Adams, Jefferson: 13.0 miles (6,000 elevation gain)
Washington, Monroe: 15.0 miles (5,850 elevation gain)
Bondcliff, Bond, West Bond: 22.9 miles (4,750 elevation gain)
North Twin, South Twin, Zealand, Hale: 18.0 miles (5,300 elevation gain)
North Tripyramid, Middle Tripyramid: 11.1 miles (3,000 elevation gain)
Washington: 14.0 miles (6,150 elevation gain)
Adams: 13.1 miles (4,600 elevation gain)
Lincoln, Lafayette: 8.9 miles (3,900 elevation gain)
17 Peaks, 116 miles (39,550 elevation gain)

Hale, Zealand, South Twin, North Twin: 18.0 miles (5,300 elevation gain)
Wildcat "D", Wildcat "A", Carter Dome, S. Carter, M. Carter: 20.0 miles (6,500 elevation gain)
Hancock, S. Hancock: 9.8 miles (2,650 elevation gain)
Jefferson: 7.0 miles (3,400 elevation gain)
Passaconaway: 10.0 miles (3,800 elevation gain)
Isolation, Washington, Monroe: 30.7 miles (8,000 elevation gain)
16 Peaks, 95.5 miles (29,650 elevation gain)

Adams: 9.4 miles (4,500 elevation gain)
Washington, Monroe: 11.1 miles (5,000 elevation gain)
Chocorua: 9.0 miles (2,800 elevation gain)
3 Peaks, 29.5 miles (12,300 elevation gain)

Zealand, West Bond, Bond, Bondcliff: 20.2 miles (5,100 elevation gain)
Eisenhower, Pierce, Jackson: 12.5 miles (3,750 elevation gain)
Madison, Adams, Jefferson: 15.3 miles (5,800 elevation gain)
Cabot: 10.7 miles (4,000 elevation gain)
Appalachian Trail (Shenandoah):  20.0 miles (4,300 elevation gain)
11 Peaks, 78.7 miles (22,950 elevation gain)

Liberty, Flume, Waumbek: 16.4 miles (6,700 elevation gain)
Hale, Zealand: 19.7 miles (4,350 elevation gain)
5 Peaks, 36.1 miles (11,050 elevation gain)


  1. If my sister wasn't such a pest I bet you could have gotten to 1,000 miles hiked!! LOL =)



  2. Chris, I've been following you pretty regularly this year. I'm a huge fan of your "shut-down" slide trail ventures.

    Congratulations on so many great accomplishments for 2010. And best of luck with your 2011 goals. I'm sure you'll have no issue completing any of them.

    Thanks again for the great posting and blogging. I've enjoyed it this year.

    Karl Searl

  3. Hey Chris,
    I've been following your blog for a few months now and the hikes are great! If you want to add another endurance hike try something called a Pinkham Loop. We did half of it last year before bailing due to it being 95 degrees out. Start at Glen Ellis, hike the Wildcats, Carters, down to the notch and back up Madison. Hike a half presi to Washington and down Glen boulder. Lots of vertical feet, decent amount of miles, plenty of fun.


  4. Thanks Everyone, glad you enjoy the blog!

    Karl I really like your blog, lot of great entries and pics!

    CM, I definitely have to try the Pinkham Loop next summer!

  5. Just be sure to pick a day when the temps don't flirt with triple digits

  6. Chris,

    Thanks for checking out my blog...appreciated. I've add yours to my blog list, if that's okay. If not, just shoot me a message and I can remove it. Again, I've really enjoyed your posts. Keep them coming!

