
Mount Cabot - The Bulge - The Horn

Date of Hike: 11/14/10

Mount Cabot Trail: 3.9 miles
Kilkenny Ridge/Horn Spur Path: 2.8 miles
Mount Cabot Trail: 3.9 miles
Total Miles: 10.7 (4,000 feet elevation gain)
Click here for trail descriptions page

Trip Report:
- On Sunday I was invited along to hike up Mount Cabot and over to The Bulge and The Horn, by Scott, his brother Chris, and their friend Dave (Click here for their hiking blog Two Brother's Hike!)
- What made this hike even better was that we had access to the Mount Cabot Trail which has had it's lower section closed off by local land owners since the 1990's.
- We got on the trail by 8am and made our way up to the Kilkenny Ridge.  The trail up to the ridge is in pretty rough shape over eroded, wet, and muddy old logging roads.
- Once the Mount Cabot Trail joined in with the Kilkenny Ridge Trail we hiked up to the Bunnell Rock outlook where we got our first really good views of the day before we continued on to the Cabot cabin.
- The Cabot cabin is a pretty small and odd looking thing and doesn't look to comfortable but there are good views from the cabin and a right near it where the old fire tower used to be.
- After a break we headed over to the wooded summit of Mount Cabot and then continued on over The Bulge and to The Horn.
- Views from the open summit of The Horn were incredible!  You could see over to the Presidential Range, west to Vermont, and well into Maine to the north.
- The Hike back out went pretty quickly except for the part where we lost the trail for a couple of minutes.  About ten minutes after crossing the Bunnell Brook we ended up dropping to low off the trail and had to bushwhack our way back up to it.
- We made it back to the trailhead shortly after 3pm, it was a great day with perfect weather and a pleasure to hike with Scott, Chris, and Dave, thanks guys!

Pictures: Click here for all pictures

Cabot Cabin
 View to the east over to the
Presidential Range from The Horn
 Hiking down the Mount Cabot Trail

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