
The Tripyramids

Date of Hike: 8/8/10

Livermore Trail: 3.6 miles
Mount Tripyramid Trail: 4.9 miles
Livermore Trail: 2.6 miles
Total Miles: 11.1 miles (3,000 feet elevation gain)

Trip Report:
- One of my favorite sections of trail to hike in the White Mountains is the slide below the summit of Mount Tripyramid's North Peak. It's extremely steep (ascending 1,200 feet in just .5 miles), has some pretty fun scrambles, and amazing views once you break out into the exposed upper section of the slide.
- On trail at 7am, finished at 12pm, temps in the 60's with great views from both the north and south slides.
- The hike along the Livermore trail was very boring early in the morning but went by pretty quickly and so did the bottom half of the Mount Tripyramid trail until I reached the foot of the north slide.
- Once I started hiking up the slide the real fun began as the higher I climbed the greater the views became of Waterville Valley / Mount Tecumseh, the Osceola's, and the Franconia Ridge all the way to the Presidential Range.
- Near the top of the slide I ran into the first two hikers of the day who had camped out near North Tripyramid's summit and were actually hiking down the North Slide, they were taking there time and having lots of fun taking in the incredible views.
- Once gaining the ridge the hike over to Middle and South Tripyramid was very uneventful as there are no views except for an outlook at Middle Tripyramid.
- Heading down the South Slide went pretty smoothly, I find it much easier to navigate than the North Slide as it doesn't seem nearly as steep.
- Hiking the Livermore Trail was much more fun on the way back as I passed by hikers, bikers, runners, and a few dogs all enjoying the perfect weather.
- Back at the car I contemplated hiking up Mount Tecumseh seeing that it was only noon-time but I decided to head back to RI.  I was pretty worn down from the long hike I did the day before and I was battling a nagging annoying cough which I blame on my air conditioner!

Pictures: Click here for all Pictures

Lower Section of the North Slide
East Peak Osceola and Mount Osceola
Hiker Making His Way Down
the Upper Section of the North Slide
Mount Tecumseh and Waterville Valley

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