
One Day Presidential Range Traverse (North to South)

Date of Hike: 6/19/10

Airline/Airline Cutoff: 3.7 miles
Osgood Trail: 1.0 miles
Gulfside & Loop Trails: 6.2 miles
Crawford Path & Loop Trails: 5.8 miles
Webster Cliff Trail: 3.9 miles
Webster-Jackson Trail: 2.3 miles
Total Miles: 23 miles (9,100 elevation gain)

Trip Report:
- Third annual Presidential Traverse with my dad helping me out with a car spot and the weather for the second strait year was phenomenal!
- On trail at 5am, finished at 5:30pm, temps above 60 degrees with a light breeze, visibility of 75 + miles
- Hiked the Airline for the first time and enjoyed the great views into King Ravine and was pretty amazing to see the RMC Crag Camp building perched high above on the ridge across the ravine.
- At Madison Springs Hut and up to Madison's summit I ran into several hikers doing a one day traverse as well, some came up Valley Way, some the Watson Path, and another group from Howker Ridge.  Most people I ran into were doing the regular traverse which ends at Mount Pierce, but a couple of groups were doing the full traverse to Mount Webster. While most of the day the trails were packed with hikers going every which way and enjoying the great weather I was actually all by myself for the most part heading up to Adams all the way to Mount Clay.
- The hike from Thunderstorm junction to Edmands Col is one of my favorite stretches as the Great Gulf and Mount Washington looms in front of you every step of the way and the views are incredible.
- The hike up from Edmands Col to the Jefferson Loop trail gets pretty steep but there's still a snowfield left which makes it fun, it's only about one hundred feet across but it's perfect for building a mini snowman! (click here for pic)
- The hike down from Mount Jefferson passes through the Montecillo Lawn which is an almost level grassy plateau and is one of the very few spots where you're not hiking over boulders and rough terrain.
- At the summit of Mount Clay I ran into a few people doing a full traverse and hiked back and forth with them up to Mount Washington.  One of the guys (Cullin) I ended up hiking the rest of the way with, we hiked at a good pace as he is a marathon runner and in excellent shape and chatted it up about the mountains along the way.  Great hiking with you Cullin!  Click here for his pics!
- The Road Race up Mount Washington was taking place as we summited and there were runners everywhere, some looked exhausted others looked like they could have done it again.
- The hike down to Lakes of Clouds was great and from here on out with the exception of section between Monroe, Franklin, and just before Eisenhower we ran into hundreds of people and lots of dogs all enjoying the above treeline hiking.
- The summit cairn on Mount Eisenhower is still swarming with big bad ass hornets, I should have brought my Raid!
- As we lost elevation and were still above treeline the temperature was getting real hot and the sun was starting to take a toll but luckily once past Mount Pierce you're in the woods and out of the sun which was a relief. 
- At the Mizpah Hut we took a short break and filled up on water and prepared for the final stretch up to Mount Jackson and over to Mount Webster.
- There are two awesome spots hiking along the Webster Cliff Trail to Mount Jackson, there's the alpine meadow with very well placed bog bridges with incredible views From Mount Pierce all the way to Washington, and the last tenth of a mile to the summit of Jackson is very steep with fun rock ledges.
- At Mount Jackson's summit Cullen's girlfriend (Gina) was there as she had hiked Mount Pierce, Eisenhower, then hiked back and over to Jackson and she then headed down to 302 via the Webster-Jackson Trail.
- The Gray Jays were out looking for handouts and one of them flew and ate a tiny piece of granola right out of my hand which always amazes me!
- The hike over to the summit of Mount Webster and down to Crawford Notch went fast and was easy except the hundred feet you have to hike up right after Silver Cascade is a kick in the you know what!
- My dad was waiting for me at the Highland Center, we then drank some cold beers and talked about hiking for hours and it was a perfect ending to what is one of my favorite hikes in the White Mountains!

Pictures: Click here for all pictures

Airline Trail
Mount Jefferson, Clay, and Washington
Gulfside Trail Snowman!
Cog crawling up to Mount Washington
Lakes of the Clouds
Mount Monroe Loop Cross Cairn
View from Mount Pierce
Where I was throughout the day

1 comment:

  1. Well done--that's a beauty hike...and in the sunshine! Lucky!
