
Bondcliff, Bond, West Bond (#15, #16, #17)

Date of Hike: 2/6/10

Lincoln Woods/Wilderness Trail: 4.7 miles
Bondcliff Trail: 6.1 miles
West Bond Spur: 1.0 miles
Bondcliff Trail: 6.1 miles
Lincoln Woods/Wilderness Trail: 4.7 miles
Total Miles: 22.8 (4,700 elevation gain)

Trip Report:

- Left RI at 3:30am, on trail at 6:30am, Bondcliff summit 10:30am, Bond summit 11:25am, West Bond summit 12pm, finished 5:15pm
- Weather was in the high single digits to low teens, no wind until descending when it started picking up to about 25-30 mph.  Clear skies 100 plus miles visibility
- Bare-booted until Bondcliff Trail, then switched to micro-spikes until Mount Bond summit and used snowshoes to West Bond summit
- Didn't warm up until Bondcliff trail, the flat Lincoln Woods/Wilderness trail makes it tough to get warmed up resulting in my eye-lids trying to freeze shut every time I blinked
- Ran into a group of three hikers on Bondcliff trail just below the rock scramble doing a Bond-Zealand Traverse.  Ran into another group of eight in-between Bondcliff and Bond coming over from Guyot Campsite.  They hiked in the previous night fighting through 70 MPH wind!
- Views from Bondcliff, Bond, and West Bond were phenomenal! Bondcliff Ridge is almost bear without any snow from high winds and lack of a significant snowfall for the previous month
-  Hike down from Bondcliff back to Lincoln Woods/Wilderness trail was boring but fast, Hike back to parking lot once back on Wilderness trail was beyond awful,  exhausting, and those awesome old railroad parts were buried under the snow meaning there would be no rusted trash to look at!  Only highlight was running into the group of eight from Guyot, two guys hiking into Bondcliff pulling a sled to camp out, and a lady (Miriam) with her hyper giant poodle dog who was sporting doggy boots (and a sweater!) as they hiked in to meet up with her husband who was doing a Pemi Loop!

- Winds started to whip up pretty fast and steady above at higher elevations as I neared the parking lot
- First hike this year at 100%, after battling two colds and being sluggish on a past few hikes at about 70-90% it felt good to go 20 plus miles and be able to kick it into another gear without sucking wind

Click here for all pictures

West Bond, with Mount Garfield, Lafayette,
and Lincoln in the background
Mount Washington
Mount Liberty, Flume, and Moosilauke
Whitewall Mountain, Mount Tom, Field, Willey
 and the Presidential Range
Bondcliff Trail
Owl's Head and the Franconia Ridge
Mount Garfield
Bondcliff and Mount Bond


  1. You forgot to mention that the crazy hyper standard poodle was wearing a sweater. It was nice to meet you, great pictures.

  2. I forgot about the sweater he was wearing! Hope your husband had a great day doing the pemi loop!

  3. 20 miles? Uh, that's nothing. We expec you to do 40 miles when you are 100%.

    By the way, where's all the snow?

  4. That Bondcliff Ridge is so windy the snow blows off into the ravines. My latest hike there was plenty of snow on the trails!
