
Mount Hancock and South Hancock (#1 & #2)

Date of Hike: 12/23/09

Hancock Notch Trail: 1.8 miles
Cedar Brook Trail: .7 miles
Hancock Loop Trail: 4.8 miles
Cedar Brook Trail: .7 miles
Hancock Notch Trail: 1.8 miles
Total Miles: 9.8 (2,650 elevation gain)

Trip Report:
- Left RI at 4:30am, on trail at 7:30am, finsihed at 11:45am
- Weather at trailhead was 5 degrees, and stayed around 5 degrees for much of hike, back at car it was a balmy 12 degrees!  There was no wind to speak of for all of the hike. Cloud cover swamped higher summits.  Decent view of the backside of the Bonds and the Scar Ridge
- Trail conditons had a hard-packed snow shoe trail that I barebooted with no post-holeing for all of hike
- Descending South Hancock the trail is to smooth making for perfect butt sliding conditions if careful! Crampons and microspikes could have been used here to be on safe side
- All water crossing on the Cedar Brook trail are 90% snow bridged

Pictures: Click here for all Pictures

Mount Hancock Summit

Hancock Loop Trail

Frozen over water crossing on Cedar Brook Trail

Osceola's from Hancock Trailhead

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