
Mount Cabot

Date of Hike: 12/6/09

Bunnell Notch Trail: 3.1 miles
Kilkenny Ridge Trail: 3.8 miles
Bunnell Notch Trail: 3.1 miles
Total Miles: 10 (elevation gain 3000 feet)

Trip Report:
- On trail at 9:15am, finished around 2pm
- Weather was mid twenty's at trailhead, falling to mid teens at summit.  Cloud cover above 3500 feet until later in the afternoon.  2-4 inches of fresh powder on lower elevations and covering week old half foot snow above 2500 feet.  No wind until approaching summit then it was going at a pretty good clip above the trees
- Trails had a few small blowdowns, moved a few out of the way, some to big and had to walk over or around.  Bunnell Notch trail has boot sucking mud hidden beneath fresh snow.  Brook crossing was running high (about a half foot over rock steps) had to cross on a fallen tree about 50 feet up stream
- Cabot Cabin is a pretty cool place, it has a tiny room with a bench table, and a tiny room with four bunks which do not look to comfortable!
- I wanted to do a loop over to Mount Horn back to the car via Unknown Pond Trail, but with limited views, a long ride back to RI ahead of me, and the gate being closed at 4pm I decided not to
- Ran into only two groups of people, a group of about six doing Waumbek and Cabot, and a group of three trying to bag Cabot but were running behind on time
- This hike completed all 48-4,000 footers in the past 6 months.  My goal in the future is to do single season completions, which I think I can do for Spring, definitely Summer and Fall, but probably not Winter because of the long drives from RI, short days, and of course expen$e$!
- First time hiking Mount Cabot since 1993, back then you COULD hike up the Mount Cabot Trail!!

Picures: click here for all pictures

Kilkenny Ridge Trail Junction
Cabot Cabin
View from Bunnell Rock
Kilkenny Ridge from Route 110

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