
Mount Percival & Mount Morgan

Date of Hike: 8/1/14

Mount Percical Trail: 1.7 miles  /  Crawford-Ridgepole Trail: 1.5 miles  /  Mount Morgan Trail:  1.6 miles  /  Morse Trail: 0.5 miles
Total GPS Miles: 5.3 miles (1,726 elevation gained)

Trip Report:
- I decided to do a quick hike after work on Friday afternoon.  It was my first time doing any cardio since the hut to hut hike and I wanted to try something new and easy.
- I had heard that Mount Morgan and Percival had decent views and some pretty cool boulder scrambling so I headed over to the Squam Lake region to give it a try.
- I really liked these two mountains.  It's like a minor league version of what you can expect to face at 4,000 feet!

The start of the Mount Percival Trail 
 Morse Trail goes left, Mount Percival Trail goes to the right
The lower section of the Mount Percival Trail travels through a pine grove with soft footing 
 The middle section of the Mount Percival Trail travels through a birch and maple forest
 Ascending the gradual Mount Percival Trail
 The Mount Percival Trail splits a tenth of a mile from the summit.  Right goes over the boulder caves, left goes through them
 View of Squam Lake from Mount Percival's summit
 Morse Pond
 Mount Percival summit cairn
 Super Dork!
 Summit sign
The Crawford-Ridge Pole trail connects Percival and Morgan.
 Mount Morgan summit
 Mount Morgan / Crawford-Ridgepole Trail junction
 Going up the ladder steps back up to Mount Morgan
 It's like a mini Six Husbands Trail!
 Lemon Squeezer!
 My favorite part of the hike was heading back up to Mount Morgan over this ledge
 Another view of Squam Lake
 Mount Morgan Trail had gradual grades, too.
 Mount Morgan Trail
 Some parts of the trail were a muddy mess.
 Morgan / Morse Brook
Hiking out along the Morse Trail.  A real nice way to end the hike
Mount Percival Trailhead parking
Route for the day, click here for Garmin GPS trek

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